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Save The Elders Fund - Printable Version

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Save The Elders Fund - Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03 01:35 PM

By way of an Inside source it has come to our attention
Exactly why the Elders have started the new spree of attacks.

The Angry Elders Story

Following is a fast rendition of events that led up to the newly improved Angry Elders

It appears that a shortage of depends at the Cedar’s Home for the elderly has caused a Major uproar.

While a normal day at the Home. Lunch was served TripsT having once again taken a fifth helping
Of apple flavored baby food (leaving non-for the rest of the Gang) commenced to have some gassy problems.
Unfortunately due to age and hip problems he was not able to make it to the appropriate facility on time.
Causing a major mess at the entryway.

By coincidence Sarge president and Co-founder of the S.B.H.A (Shiny Bald Heads of America) happened to be passing by and slipped on this rather odorous turn he skidded down the hallway bumping into LostAngel who happened to be knitting a new rainbow colored sweater for
Sam I am. Running to there aid was the new recruit Jubei of course not knowing what had transpired . he catches a whiff of TripsT’s spillage. Causing him to stop abruptly. We have yet to learn of his current location. He was last seen traveling down route A1A carrying what appeared to be someone’s dentures.

The Staff all wondering what the shouting about runs in only to find Tripst still shuffling down the hallway eating his baby food , Sarge on the floor with a brown streak of some unknown substance all over his back holding on to his broken walker, LostAngel stomping on Sarge’s head for having torn the sweater and Sam I Am walking around with no shirt on scarring the rest of the retiree’s.

Now all of this could have been easily avoided had we the players of Awakened lands taken up a collection.
As of now anyone wishing to donate kindly contact me. An account will be set up for the purchase of Depends underwear the replacement of the lost dentures.(Glue not included) .A new walker with wheels for
Sarge, wrinkle cream for Sam I am . a lifetime supply of fiber product for TripsT (hopefully will keep him constant and regular) and last but not least new supplies for LostAngels knitting.

The Fund currently referred to as Save The Elder will be receiving all type of donations so don’t be shy
Remember your only saving yourself what if it was you or a family member at the home.

- LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03 01:40 PM


NT, that was awesome... lmfao

Where does Chris fit into it though? :shock:

- Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03 01:42 PM

Our Inside reporter willl be updating us on new events. ponce more details are available we will make them pblic.

Word is someone was caught stealing the bed pans , but we are still investigating the incident . As soon as we have more news we will make it available.

- Eaglefreak - 2007.Jan.03 01:44 PM

:shock: Biggrin Twisted

Yep you forgot two of em! Chris and Berry! lol

- Chris Mangano - 2007.Jan.03 01:52 PM

Maybe you should spend less time writing stories and more time trying to save your gang.

- Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03 01:54 PM

Chris Mangano Wrote:Maybe you should spend less time writing stories and more time trying to save your gang.

Well It appears someone forgot to take his happy pills today.
Please see the nurse at the conter she has your refill ready. Razz

- LordSkie - 2007.Jan.03 02:07 PM

oh come on... can't I get some happy pills too? PLEEEASE? Sad

- Lostangel - 2007.Jan.03 02:08 PM

Ok. THAT explains the larger than usual panties...
*guards her bedpan from Chris*

- Nightrain - 2007.Jan.03 02:10 PM

Lostangel Wrote:Ok. THAT explains the larger than usual panties...
*guards her bedpan from Chris*

The Bedpan case is still under investigation we hope to have more details soon,

But we are warning all Cedar Home guest to please keep them in a secure location and not give out the password to anyone

- matt5250 - 2007.Jan.03 02:11 PM

Hey chris, how bout you put more effort into organizing a somewhat fair and thus relatively more fun competition in the near future instead of ignoring our messages about that and just beating on a gang who, for the most part, can't even fight back. How fun can it really be to declare on us over and over without provocation knowing you are so much stronger as a gang that we can do nothing to stop you.