Idea for energy refreshes!
2007.Sep.29, 09:08 AM
Idea for energy refreshes!
Post: #1
As we all know, it costs 2 credits per EP when using an energy refresh. This is why they are seldom used.

A level 20 player with 8 EP isn't going to want to use 84 credits to fill his EP bar. (Unless he's rich and/or crazy)

How about if you could refresh energy in increments of 10?

Sample layout in the donator house:

Energy refresh:

10 EP - 20 credits
20 EP - 40 credits
30 EP - 60 credits
40 EP - 80 credits

and so on.

Would this be a bad idea? If so, explain why (in detail, please).

Messages In This Thread
[] - Dragon - 2007.Oct.01, 02:38 PM
Idea for energy refreshes! - thawdgharp - 2007.Sep.29 09:08 AM
[] - thawdgharp - 2007.Sep.29, 09:10 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Sep.29, 11:07 AM
[] - Thor - 2007.Sep.29, 12:00 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Sep.29, 01:39 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2007.Sep.29, 02:31 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Sep.29, 04:05 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Sep.29, 05:02 PM
[] - thawdgharp - 2007.Oct.01, 07:42 AM