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Full Version: Idea for energy refreshes!
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As we all know, it costs 2 credits per EP when using an energy refresh. This is why they are seldom used.

A level 20 player with 8 EP isn't going to want to use 84 credits to fill his EP bar. (Unless he's rich and/or crazy)

How about if you could refresh energy in increments of 10?

Sample layout in the donator house:

Energy refresh:

10 EP - 20 credits
20 EP - 40 credits
30 EP - 60 credits
40 EP - 80 credits

and so on.

Would this be a bad idea? If so, explain why (in detail, please).


or maybe even an option:

(clickable text) Energy refresh: 2 credits per energy point

then when you click on it, a new screen appears:

"How much energy would you like to purchase? _____
(reminder: you will be charged 2 credits per EP!!)"


WOW. A 499er with a good idea. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J/K Elm. You seem to always have good posts and ideas even though the last one was hijacked.
I think this is a great idea too. Keep them coming. Not just you but everyone. More ideas and suggestions we all make for the game the better it will keep getting. Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin


I don't understand the
Quote:A level 20 player with 8 EP isn't going to want to use 84 credits to fill his EP bar. (Unless he's rich and/or crazy)

It cost 2ep per energy you want to refill, whether you're empty or halfway, you still pay 2 per.

For me, a refill means to refill something to full not to half or 1/4th. Not saying this isn't a good idea but I don't see the point, my opinion.


I agree with Thor.
Its like buying half a tank of gas, if you only need that much.
For some reason I like this.. You know sometimes I don't feel like going full, sometimes I just want enough to make an attack.. i would definitely support this idea, does anyone see any negatives?


I do not see any negatives with it. I actually think it is a good idea to refresh just enough to do what you want. Some people may not want/need the full amount either. Good point there Ush.


is my idea dead yet?


Nope, not yet. I can still hear a heart beat. So, perhaps have an input field where a user can type in the amount of energy point(s) that is desired. Purchasing in small chunks could possibly not be enough or go over a user's maximum energy capacity, thus potentially wasting credit(s), unless a user was only charged for the energy point(s) that were/was gained.
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