Destroying Gangs
2007.Apr.11, 02:18 PM
Destroying Gangs
Post: #1
First, forgive me if this topic has been addressed previously. Second, I feel that gangs should not be destroyed when respect hits 0. Many of us have spent loads of cash upping the gang capacity. I suggest that the war is over when respect hits zero...that way the gang still exists!

Messages In This Thread
Destroying Gangs - Punisher - 2007.Apr.11 02:18 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.11, 02:21 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.11, 02:46 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.11, 03:09 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Apr.11, 03:09 PM
[] - pimpsta101 - 2007.Apr.11, 04:07 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.11, 04:23 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Apr.11, 04:26 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.11, 04:39 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.11, 04:44 PM
[] - Punisher - 2007.Apr.11, 07:03 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.Apr.22, 09:38 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.22, 01:07 PM
[] - XxDragonxX - 2007.Apr.22, 01:35 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.Apr.23, 06:02 AM
[] - zenith - 2007.Apr.23, 11:55 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.23, 11:59 PM
[] - MrHyde - 2007.Apr.24, 02:23 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.24, 10:30 AM
[] - zenith - 2007.Apr.24, 12:36 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.24, 03:20 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.24, 03:22 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.24, 06:18 PM
[] - Punisher - 2007.Apr.24, 08:03 PM
[] - FaceOwner - 2007.Apr.24, 09:38 PM
[] - Saerin - 2007.Apr.25, 12:00 AM
[] - MrHyde - 2007.Apr.25, 02:17 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.25, 04:40 AM
[] - Thor - 2007.Apr.25, 06:37 PM