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Destroying Gangs - Printable Version

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Destroying Gangs - Punisher - 2007.Apr.11 02:18 PM

First, forgive me if this topic has been addressed previously. Second, I feel that gangs should not be destroyed when respect hits 0. Many of us have spent loads of cash upping the gang capacity. I suggest that the war is over when respect hits zero...that way the gang still exists!

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.11 02:21 PM

makes sense.

maybe when you hit 0 respect then you have like week to get out of there? from crimes or from whatever else, although it would be tough to war with someone when you have 0 respect, they probably couldnt gain any from you, or if they could, then you would lose the war on the first attack if you lose it.

i agree though, it sucks when you put a lot of time (and REAL money) into a gang and it gets raped

- mudpies - 2007.Apr.11 02:46 PM

not a bad idea. you should have 1 week to get up to 5 or 10 respect or your gang will dissapear. during this time your gang defense bonus will not exist. your members won't be able to quit the gang until you reach the mark.

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.11 03:09 PM

gang defense bonus?

- matt5250 - 2007.Apr.11 03:09 PM

how about if you are automatically removed from any wars when you hit 0 respect and cannot declare on anyone or be declared on until you hit 10 respect again. this would obviously be done using OC's.

- pimpsta101 - 2007.Apr.11 04:07 PM

naw i think its perfect gangs should be destroyed when respect hits zero.
Gangs wouldnt be as fun as they are now if this was changed.

- Chris Mangano - 2007.Apr.11 04:23 PM

I like the fact that gangs are deleted. Makes you have an actual reason to increase respect and try to survive in a war. If you knew that going to 0 wouldn't do anything except make the war end, no one would care about getting declared on.

- matt5250 - 2007.Apr.11 04:26 PM

agreed, but I think gangs should be worth less money. maybe 3-400k for a 10 slot gang so it's actually realistic to make up the loss in a short amount of time. OC's do not give anywhere near the benefit required for the cost of upgrading your gang atm.

- Eaglefreak - 2007.Apr.11 04:39 PM

Maybe a sell back option for slots in a gang that has reached 0 respect, the payoff would be considerably less but least not complete waist. Just a thought Smile

- mudpies - 2007.Apr.11 04:44 PM

that's another decent idea.

I'd like to amend mine. the seven days to get to 5 or 10 would be sort of a cooling down period. after that if the gang gets their respect up to the mark and you still want to completely destroy the gang you can. sort of a one chance to save your behind before it's all done. you'd still have to get your respect up in the 7 days or your gang would dissapear.