permanent career bonuses
2009.Mar.10, 10:16 PM
RE: permanent career bonuses
Post: #5
I don't mean to hijack your thred, so pm me and I'll remove this.

I think it would be good to have ppl in the same career, and same gang able to do somthing together. Perhaps a + for the gang on a skill. Working the same way as the +'s for pvp combat.
an example; 3 ppl with military skill could each use an amount of CP's and select armor handeling. The gang would then all get a +1 on that skill for (say) a week. Then the three would do it again, and so on. Limit the amount of skills and Pluses to 1/3 of the gangs current members.

Messages In This Thread
[] - Aqualung451 - 2009.Mar.09, 08:52 PM
permanent career bonuses - abysmalpoptart - 2009.Mar.09, 08:33 PM
RE: permanent career bonuses - Aqualung451 - 2009.Mar.10 10:16 PM
RE: permanent career bonuses - Howlsong - 2009.Mar.12, 08:40 PM
RE: permanent career bonuses - Howlsong - 2009.Mar.12, 09:10 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2009.Mar.09, 08:36 PM