WTF happened to w00k?
2008.Aug.19, 03:30 PM
Post: #121
We are talking about an aggregate 30 stat levels not a single individual stat.

I don't remember his exact stats since I didn't have a reason to ask, but I do believe 70 is the right ball park...
2008.Aug.19, 03:38 PM
Post: #122
If we don't have an update in our stats to report to Marlo every Sunday and Thursday, we get the belt.
2008.Aug.19, 03:41 PM
Post: #123
I get the belt all the time..Sad I'm so slow in building my stats.
2008.Aug.19, 03:56 PM
Post: #124
Ha at least you get a comment on your progress :roll:
2008.Aug.19, 03:57 PM
Post: #125
HA! Holy hell, you crack me up with that one.
2008.Aug.19, 04:10 PM
Post: #126
Glad i made ya crack XD
2008.Aug.19, 04:11 PM
Post: #127
Yeah. I don't get many compliment. 'You're a beast, Tom.' 'You're sweet, Behemoth.' 'Holy crap, I like those stats, gimme gimme, Tom.'

The most I get is 'You're fat, work harder, beotch.' Sad
2008.Aug.19, 04:22 PM
Post: #128
Hahahaa.You doing alot better now bro.I mean alot better..Anyways back on topic Razz
2008.Aug.19, 04:55 PM
Post: #129
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I get the belt all the time..Sad I'm so slow

good read
2008.Aug.19, 05:05 PM
Post: #130
g2o2d4wp Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I get the belt all the time..Sad I'm so slow

good read

:roll: sarcasm becomes you :roll:
Thread Closed