protection code
2008.May.02, 01:07 PM
Post: #51
I think that should be a hint of 'that's enough. Quit hitting the guy,' Awesomo. Some people can't take a hint, however.
2008.May.02, 01:09 PM
Post: #52
TommiTheTaco Wrote:I think that should be a hint of 'that's enough. Quit hitting the guy,' Awesomo. Some people can't take a hint, however.
but what if if that person mails you saying, 'wow 40 mins dont hurt, you suck' what happens from here? as the next time you hit them they get 20 mins
2008.May.02, 01:11 PM
Post: #53
Kirky1992 Wrote:you say the game is realistic, what about cyborgs? lol Wink think before you post

i said the game wants to have some realistic features, that is what i said...

I suppose you have heard about Captain Hook from Peter Pan right? Imagine him a ionized dicoate titanium hook attached to his much potential damage he could cause.. Biggrin

Member of Comunità di Sant'Egidio
2008.May.02, 01:13 PM
Post: #54
It's called 'mail block,' Awesomo. Be smart. If you don't want to hear their shit, ignore them. As simple as that.

Captain Hook..He was great. XD

And again, Awesomo. It's a hint to cut the crap.
2008.May.02, 01:14 PM
Post: #55
TommiTheTaco Wrote:It's called 'mail block,' Awesomo. Be smart. If you don't want to hear their drek, ignore them. As simple as that.

Captain Hook..He was great. XD
it got used Behemoth Wink, but still frustrated me
2008.May.02, 01:16 PM
Post: #56
Well..Awesomo. Here's a bit of advice.




It's as simple as that. You take the hint, you quit attacking the guy, they no longer get crappy hospital times, and you get no jail time.

You've already solved one part of the problem. You ignored them. Whenever it comes to you giving them no time in the hospital, it's time to take the hint and stop.
2008.May.02, 01:18 PM
Post: #57
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Well..Awesomo. Here's a bit of advice.




It's as simple as that. You take the hint, you quit attacking the guy, they no longer get crappy hospital times, and you get no jail time.

You've already solved one part of the problem. You ignored them. Whenever it comes to you giving them no time in the hospital, it's time to take the hint and stop.
but... Behemoth they dont learn their lesson
2008.May.02, 01:20 PM
Post: #58
Leaving them unignored is only going to please them to know that they can keep doing it.

You ignore them, they quit talking to you, and move on to other things.

If they keep doing what they do, then tomorrow's a new day..And you do have friends that can help you out with your crusade against the moronic, I'm sure. Let them take a stab at him, to help you out.

Better than wasting your energy on this kid only to get small amounts of hospital times, and jail time with it, I tell ya.
2008.May.02, 01:23 PM
Post: #59
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Leaving them unignored is only going to please them to know that they can keep doing it.

You ignore them, they quit talking to you, and move on to other things.

If they keep doing what they do, then tomorrow's a new day..And you do have friends that can help you out with your crusade against the moronic, I'm sure. Let them take a stab at him, to help you out.

Better than wasting your energy on this kid only to get small amounts of hospital times, and jail time with it, I tell ya.
but the crusade was asked to stop because it got violent Biggrin
2008.May.02, 01:27 PM
Post: #60
Oh..Whenever Dark Matter was hospitalizing all of the Bad family because of 1 person's mouth? Again, ignore the person's flapping gums, hospitalize them enough to show them you mean business, and hope they learned their lesson.

If they hadn't, you have all the right to ruin their day again tomorrow, make them, and their friends and family and gang, waste their money on stims for them, if they choose to. If not, they stay in the hospital, can't play the game(Other than slots) and they'll hopefully learn not to do it again..

If they do it again, the same process continues until they finally figure out 'if I quit doing this dumb stuff, these guys might quit sticking sharp, random objects into my pecker.'

I dunno. I just think that taking away gang protection and gang backup is pointless because hospitalizations are going to seem more like Berzerking, effort-based. Beserking and hospitalizations are pretty much the same thing..They take effort and time to do, just you're not Polly Pissy Pants in one of them.