i was thinking about doing this awhile back, and never got to it. then i saw mrhydes post, which summed up a lot of things that should be done to the game, but just havent happened. thought i'd make it a thread, and we can add to it, edit it, etc. if nothing, it'll make us old-players feel better about a game that will never change, which is silly, since all games change (updates, expansions, patches, bug fixes, etc). i mean "good" games. whatever.
(most of this is ripped off of mrhyde, but it's good stuff and i concur with all of it!

Should Implement:
new school classes
new Career Skills
new skills
new combat system
new gang upgrades
new things to spend gang points on
a skills reset system
special crimes for manufacturers
new crimes
a system to remove unwanted cyberware for doctors
the ability to cyberware and electronics as well as creating drugs for scientists
military-specific equipment
the ability to build and repair armor for engineers
new items that require more stats not more end
Where is Moriarty's ladder system?
-Career reset system
-New options for spend credits
-Credit Transfer possibilities
-Automatic Stacking of "like" items (with the negligible option to "split" them)
-"Other" career possibilities (law enforcement, which could be used to reduce another player's ability to commit crimes)
-good "crimes" (we are all bad guys... but we all have legitimate career opportunities including medical and military... i'm soooooo lost)
-improved jail gym (lose less happiness or "gain" happiness as a possibility to counter for the terrible gym gains)
-Add in a "note" when sending cash and items so people dont go zomg why are u sending me X item?
updated 6/15/2011 with your responses:
-Actually give prizes for the contests (that are probably simply held to make us "forget" that stuff hasn't changed, and may very well be automated)
-EXP daily tracking
-More usable items (possibly from crimes)
-Character quests (with some rewards)
-Profile award buttons/tags for milestones we have hit in AL
-Medical being able to "bust" others out of the hospital
-Increase the minimum sale price of armor and weapons (at LEAST 50% of the purchase cost, preferably 66%)
-Add some balance to the weapons. In many cases, these "wild" criticals from other weapons (like pistols) outweigh the "consistent" dmg of shotguns, for example
more to come, ideas are welcome