2010.Jun.25, 07:28 PM
Post: #71
What I see here is two members who have a problem with one member
nobody else is complaining about him being out of feds...why are you two still beating a dead horse

You guys are saying that if I commit a crime in RL that regardless of what a judge or jury sentence's me to, that upon my return to the free world I shouldn't be allowed to live my life and that I'm constantly supposed to be subjected to the hatred of people who feel like I'm not a worthy human being because of what I did in the past

Really you guys need to get off the white horse you rode in on.
2010.Jun.25, 07:29 PM
Post: #72
(2010.Jun.25 07:28 PM)DirkDanja Wrote:  You guys are saying that if I commit a crime in RL that regardless of what a judge or jury sentence's me to, that upon my return to the free world I shouldn't be allowed to live my life and that I'm constantly supposed to be subjected to the hatred of people who feel like I'm not a worthy human being because of what I did in the past

You are not helping him.
2010.Jun.25, 07:30 PM
Post: #73
But he's 110% right taco

Help CrunchyBlack Here!!!!

Smoke dis, smoke dat, smoke weed, smoke crack
Everybody gettin' high, high off they fuckin' sac
2010.Jun.25, 07:31 PM
Post: #74
He is. People like that don't deserve to go scott free. They deserve to be labeled.
2010.Jun.25, 07:32 PM
Post: #75
Tommi, seeing as you enjoy labels so much, how did it feel to go through high school getting called all sorts of labels due to you being a fat fuck? Or did you deserve that, cause, well, you are a fat fuck?

Help CrunchyBlack Here!!!!

Smoke dis, smoke dat, smoke weed, smoke crack
Everybody gettin' high, high off they fuckin' sac
2010.Jun.25, 07:33 PM
Post: #76
dirk you have to live and accept what you did in the past. people will always judge one and hold them accountable for it.. doesnt make them wrong. if youre a murderer you should rot in jail. if you get out you deserve what you get. if your a thief like emo you deserve to take some heat and deserve what you get.

maybe no one cares anymore because zen doesnt do shit any more. theres many who dont come to the forums. i dont see and 7s sticking up for him. start a poll. i bet you would find most of AL agrees that emo is a scamming thief that deserves to be deleted.
This post was last modified: 2010.Jun.25 07:34 PM by Brugada.

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(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2010.Jun.25, 07:34 PM
Post: #77
I honestly didn't care, including now. Being fat's not a crime, though. Wink Being a counterfeiting punk is.

-Waits for the justification.-

After I get my laughs from your justification, I'll be done with the situation and hope you have fun with AL.
2010.Jun.25, 07:35 PM
Post: #78
who did i scam? I owned up to the "theiving" directly to the admin. and if she doesnt have an issue, then why do you?

to tommi: there we go, i dont care about you being fat, you aren't a bad person for it. Im rather phat myself as well. I was just trying to get you to reflect on how damaging labels can be in our lives.
This post was last modified: 2010.Jun.25 07:36 PM by emocakes.

Help CrunchyBlack Here!!!!

Smoke dis, smoke dat, smoke weed, smoke crack
Everybody gettin' high, high off they fuckin' sac
2010.Jun.25, 07:35 PM
Post: #79
Basically I'm suppose to suffer the conseqences of my actions for the rest of my life because a few people don't feel as if justice "their justice" was served.

So now I'm not allowed to get a job in order to take care of my family, so what is it that I'm suppose to do. Just sit here and die, starving

This is ubsurd
2010.Jun.25, 07:37 PM
Post: #80
(2010.Jun.25 07:35 PM)emocakes Wrote:  to tommi: there we go, i dont care about you being fat, you aren't a bad person for it. Im rather phat myself as well. I was just trying to get you to reflect on how damaging labels can be in our lives.

Did you fail to read that I didn't care about being called fat? XD Labels damage if you let them dig at you.