(2010.Apr.15 05:38 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: for the record this is nughuffer speaking, and not a person behind a computer. Wtf are you talking about?
Can you give us an example? 
Hey I suggested that to someone the other day, a real RP thread in Off The Wall for the hardcore RPers. Let's try it.
Eff ran. There was no way she could face him in the open, he'd rip her to bits and smoke her ashes for weeks. She ran past Decatur Police Station 17 and took a left at the first dark alley she saw. She stood still, leaning unto the brick wall, listening intently to the steps approaching behind her.
Shit shit shit shit!
Pulling out her knife, she caught her breath quickly and spat in her hand. When he entered the alley, she threw a quick punch and attempted to shove her slimy fingers into his nose.
((I just tried sticking my fingers in your eyes. Defend yourself if you wanna play. Whatever is done in character is between these. Your character's thoughts are in
italic and dialogue is in
bold. Godmoding is taking control of another player or the characters he/she created. Don't godmode. If you were a RPer, IG you'd follow the same train of thought in your mails. I'm guessing Queen's one of those RP persons.))