(2010.Mar.20 03:54 PM)BigUncleC Wrote: Ok I haven't read this thing yet because I don't feel like it so deal with it,but I say yes.It's not that big of a deal just so long as you find someone who will be fair to everyone despite their reputation or lack of popularity.I don't know who said it on the first page,but I do know whoever is picked will need a iron fist to deliver justice even if it's their freind who needs to get the ban boot up their arse.Hell I don't care if it's Pun,Conrad,Hannibal or someone who just started playing.If they break the rules I expect them all to get the same punishment if they break the rules.(No offence to you three or anyone else I just needed some good examples to use and you guys where the first to come to mind)Anywho back on subject.Zen I beg of you if you decide to pick someone base your decision on their loyalty to the game, intellegence, reason, and their over all willingness to help other people despite how much of a burbon it might be on themselves.
I volunteer to teach you the English language.