(2010.Feb.28 12:11 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: Yeah I heard you coughed up after Sv's refused to back you up too. Guess sometimes you can't rely on your allies. Remember the christmas war?
Whats the point in mugging if you don't keep it? Way to get some street cred!
Well done Xpats!
Who rattled your cage, trog?
Accipender had full gang backing whatever decision he decided to make. Being a mature and loyal player, he decided that he did not want to drag his gang into a hosp war over this, so he manned up and sorted it out with XPats. He put his gang before his own gain, this makes him a top player and valued gang member, unlike some.
None of this gang or Xpats dragged it up to the forums cos it's no one elses damn business. So considering you know FA about the whole situation why don't you shut your enormous pie hole and get your fat, ugly face outta other peoples business.