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Full Version: Are the shadows finished?
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(2009.Nov.11 12:28 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.10 12:10 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]when i do return it will be hard core

well you better hurry the frag up you not no1 in strength no more.

just remember when i do play its for hours, i was beating players older than me when i was full time,as for being #1 in str it really does not matter, not here for all the bs, just to have some fun
Are you gay?
(2009.Nov.11 07:43 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Are you gay?

i misread tap for tip also.


(2009.Nov.11 07:43 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Are you gay?

Now Dingus, The Gay Bar is down the street. Five doors down on the left. That's where your Gay Friends hang


(2009.Nov.14 04:09 PM)Nightwind Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.11 07:43 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Are you gay?

Now Dingus, The Gay Bar is down the street. Five doors down on the left. That's where your Gay Friends hang

Any of the 24 who voted yes care to give there reasoning as to why we are finished ...??Scream
cause you touch yourself at night.
(2009.Nov.17 04:11 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]cause you touch yourself at night.

Hmm another intelligent comment from dnbrocks...
I dont need someone who's in a gang with inactives telling me we are finished, maybe you should worry about your own gang first..
no less intelligent than anything else that you'd care to read on this forum.
Maybe so but not really a reason for the shadows being finished, is it..?
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