I have always been against it but, I am coming around to the idea of it now. Not that it will benefit me in any way but there are alot of dumbass people here who have, once gone into the realm of borg, have had no turning back and their gameplay been seriously damaged... forever. I pity them and just wish it can be made.
This is my suggestion.
Removal of borg parts, = -1 borg -1 natural stat as well, just to make me feel better about it all
So there we have it, take away a resistence borg and you lose a natural as well.
Then we can have a scrap metal auction.
Thor's metal head for auction, bidding starts at $1
Generals metal arm for sale, bidding starts at $1
Chances metal buttocks, bidding stats at $1
or you could just weight them in for $5
Come on zen, help the borg's out, all these silly little tweaks are not what the doctor ordered.
but what is the point of having borgs removed if you dont get the humanity back?
Obviously they get that too... doh
If you want a full breakdown of my suggestion here it is.
Cybernetic industries have just announced their latest breakthrough in technology, the reversal of borg implants.
The operation is a painful and time consuming process, involving a hospital stay of 800 mins.No medical career can bring you out early, you gotta sit it out.
For every borg implant removed, the tissue around the human part recieves damage that is impossible to fix. This will result in you losing some of your natural ability, -1 stat.To clarify -1 borg part also takes -1 natural stat away.
The good thing though, after the borg implants have been removed and human tissue donated by AL general hospital has been placed into the wounds, the patient recieves all the humanity cost back they originally lost whilst having the implants.
Cost per operation $500,000 AL
There we have it, just needs to be coded now.

It was tried but the results were not what was expected
(2009.Oct.20 05:02 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Obviously they get that too... doh
If you want a full breakdown of my suggestion here it is.
Cybernetic industries have just announced their latest breakthrough in technology, the reversal of borg implants.
The operation is a painful and time consuming process, involving a hospital stay of 800 mins.No medical career can bring you out early, you gotta sit it out.
For every borg implant removed, the tissue around the human part recieves damage that is impossible to fix. This will result in you losing some of your natural ability, -1 stat.To clarify -1 borg part also takes -1 natural stat away.
The good thing though, after the borg implants have been removed and human tissue donated by AL general hospital has been placed into the wounds, the patient recieves all the humanity cost back they originally lost whilst having the implants.
Cost per operation $500,000 AL
There we have it, just needs to be coded now. 
F*cking Genius!!! Good work biff. and tbh it would actually make me donate again.
its BS if you borg you shouldn't get your humanity back. anyone who has borged has made the decision to do so and can enjoy both the pro's and cons of being a borg.
(2009.Oct.20 04:14 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]its BS if you borg you shouldn't get your humanity back. anyone who has borged has made the decision to do so and can enjoy both the pro's and cons of being a borg.
With Biff's idea (if I understand him right), Borg patients also endure a permanent -1 hit to a stat. So it would be a net loss of 2. When you get to a higher level, a -1 in any stat would be quite detrimental.
Thats right. A -1 stat to any player with a natural skill above 60 is a hard pill to swallow. They also lose the borg and have to cough up another 500k.
They also lose 800 mins of game time, no matter what for each removal, so the actual cost is huge.
Nice, he borged when almost everyone had realized what they were losing when they borged... so its not like he should be whining imo...
let him suffer
editted for a typo biff was too dumb to figure out