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Full Version: So....skills or study?
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Was under the impression from Err that it was complete, but I instantly noticed an issue when I went live. Working on it at the moment. My apologies. I'll get it done before going to sleep.
and i did my skills already today, so i guess i'll have to wait until tomorow to give it a try if i understand it correctly...

interested to see if people choose school or skills....
Whats going to happen to the spend Action Points etc that have already been used by some players?
(2009.Oct.20 03:31 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]Whats going to happen to the spend Action Points etc that have already been used by some players?

The stats are still in there. Just going over what Err coded to eliminate unlimited hours a day by refreshing.


Nice work zen, this is more like it Wink
1 up for the community.
Think I found the issue. He had it updating EVERYONE who enrolled in a class when someone else studied 1 hour lol. Hence why others were seeing their percentage go up for no real reason. Give me a few more moments to test the fix and it should be up shortly.


(2009.Oct.20 03:26 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Was under the impression from Err that it was complete, but I instantly noticed an issue when I went live. Working on it at the moment. My apologies. I'll get it done before going to sleep.

Dedication. Winky
Let's try it again. If anyone sees any discrepancy with their percentages, I reverted everyone to either exactly what they would have had before the free study hours, or slightly over average for the hours they did work. Since there were only 5 who spent AP on it for a combined total of 10 hours, it's not really going to be a huge deal in the long run. Those who enrolled and didn't study any hours but did see their confidence rating increase, those points have been removed.
Is it going to cost money to take a test? Will the drop in % be the same as when you fail a skill test?
I did my skills b4 it was implemented... that sucks Sad
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