2009.Sep.27, 07:53 PM
2009.Sep.27, 08:12 PM
Personally I think anyone whining about money lost other than the person it happened to (unless he asked for their help) [ something i doubt] should just shut their damn pieholes.
Where the hell is that my lil pony link? Its no wonder we have to have pillow fights now. I am totally embarrassed and disgusted by anyone who feels "outraged" about absolutely nothing, imo.
As to the imbecile on crack calling for fed jail... well thats the biggest load of hooey I ever heard.
Where the hell is that my lil pony link? Its no wonder we have to have pillow fights now. I am totally embarrassed and disgusted by anyone who feels "outraged" about absolutely nothing, imo.
As to the imbecile on crack calling for fed jail... well thats the biggest load of hooey I ever heard.
2009.Sep.27, 08:21 PM
(2009.Sep.27 07:44 PM)gerber Wrote: [ -> ]u should be hosped for that comment lol.
You should learn to respect your elders, and NOT assume that everyone that posts is going to the hosp!
I think you were kicked out of VS for a reason! So I would keep my mouth shut if I were you!
Those that continue on with relentless rants, yes, I will, by breaking NO rules, hit them with a simple leave at 15 mins. That is NOT keeping anyone from playing the game, I'm not hitting them constant, or AT ALL online, nor am I Ihosping them, just simple hits when they are OFFline, JUST as Raf has done to over half our gang to get to his powerless high level where he is. And if anyone has an issue with it, then let's all bug Zen again, have her count the number of times Raf hit an SV at 15 mins, and have him punished for that, if anyone is EVEN thinking hitting someone at 15 mins is as issue to even bring to the forums.... bc it obviously isn't, as, uh-humm, some-one's systen of power leveling without any stats has obviously been proven as NOT the way to go....then go for it!
2009.Sep.27, 08:21 PM
(2009.Sep.27 08:12 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I think anyone whining about money lost other than the person it happened to (unless he asked for their help) [ something i doubt] should just shut their damn pieholes.
Where the hell is that my lil pony link? Its no wonder we have to have pillow fights now. I am totally embarrassed and disgusted by anyone who feels "outraged" about absolutely nothing, imo.
As to the imbecile on crack calling for fed jail... well thats the biggest load of hooey I ever heard.
such insight

quit entertaining the retards I think she is saying... wow how the game has come to wussies changing things....
2009.Sep.27, 09:37 PM
sorry cheetah i was just trying to say something funny.
2009.Sep.28, 01:42 AM
man up, for the love of god. what does it matter if they hosp you. its not the end of the world... unless the only thing you live for is this non event text based rpg,
2009.Sep.28, 02:17 AM
(2009.Sep.27 08:21 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Sep.27 07:44 PM)gerber Wrote: [ -> ]u should be hosped for that comment lol.
You should learn to respect your elders, and NOT assume that everyone that posts is going to the hosp!
I think you were kicked out of VS for a reason! So I would keep my mouth shut if I were you!
Those that continue on with relentless rants, yes, I will, by breaking NO rules, hit them with a simple leave at 15 mins. That is NOT keeping anyone from playing the game, I'm not hitting them constant, or AT ALL online, nor am I Ihosping them, just simple hits when they are OFFline, JUST as Raf has done to over half our gang to get to his powerless high level where he is. And if anyone has an issue with it, then let's all bug Zen again, have her count the number of times Raf hit an SV at 15 mins, and have him punished for that, if anyone is EVEN thinking hitting someone at 15 mins is as issue to even bring to the forums.... bc it obviously isn't, as, uh-humm, some-one's systen of power leveling without any stats has obviously been proven as NOT the way to go....then go for it!
If I were you I'd perma hosp the people that people that brought it to the forums. Drama queens that they are.
2009.Sep.28, 03:12 AM
stuck record weathers, stuck record.
2009.Sep.28, 05:25 AM
So whats this thread about?
2009.Sep.28, 05:43 AM
Another whinefest about nothing