I'm all for it. It might be better if it was sorted by skill hours trained, then skill level, so the one you're working on is always at the top.
(2009.Sep.22 11:03 AM)snorkelbill Wrote: [ -> ]I'm all for it. It might be better if it was sorted by skill hours trained, then skill level, so the one you're working on is always at the top.
next i'd like to see an option to remove the hours worked.
(2009.Sep.22 11:27 AM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]next i'd like to see an option to remove the hours worked.
Very good work so far though Zen, this will help many people from misclicking

Why remove them, just be able to put them with the skills your not training?
thanks Zen
(2009.Sep.22 10:36 AM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]Any way we can get rid of the misc 1 hr trained skills?
ones from hitting the wrong button. I have 2 of those. Bugs the shiat of out me.
you think thats bad, i got 39 hours in pistol an 2 hours in blunt.....and the way it is now it will still happen because my long blade skill is right inbetween my blunt an pistol skills....
would be nice to make them sortable or just git rid of them...
Very nice. I support the "unenroll" button too. Takes care of the unintentional trains/no longer trained skills and puts them at the bottom. Sorted by rank is a good idea too.
I like the idea to put them in order too!