09.September.21 -- Altered the skills page to split trained and untrained skills for easier navigation.
needed addition, thanyou. but if only you put it in a hour earlier!! just put another hour into pistols lol. you should make it so we can un-enroll
yes good idea. it makes it easier to see what you want to work... might stop all the wizard's out there from complaining when they train the wrong skill.
Thanx Zen

(2009.Sep.22 01:47 AM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ]09.September.21 -- Altered the skills page to split trained and untrained skills for easier navigation.
needed addition, thanyou. but if only you put it in a hour earlier!! just put another hour into pistols lol. you should make it so we can un-enroll
low int here

I'm liking the new look for the skills page Zen! No more wasted hours training something I don't need!! Yay!!
(2009.Sep.22 01:57 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]yes good idea. it makes it easier to see what you want to work... might stop all the wizard's out there from complaining when they train the wrong skill.
some people do their skills after drinking/drugging and/or have their bot do it in the midst of sleeping...really wish this was implemented a long time ago. nevertheless, better late than never. ty admin.
Thanks. Freaked me out a little when I woke up, go to the skills page, and everything was not where it was supposed to be. This is neat, though.
(2009.Sep.22 07:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. Freaked me out a little when I woke up, go to the skills page, and everything was not where it was supposed to be. This is neat, though.
LOL..i did the same thing..
Thanks zen
While it is a great idea, any chance we could have them numerically highest to lowest trained?
Like I have a lvl 1 in pistol i don't ever plan to train again... sigh if it were at the bottom of the row instead of the top.... that would be even awesomer (is that a word?)