thanks for all the advice guys. I'm thinking that Verizon locked out the ability to install new applications. I'd unlock the phone with a hack but don't wanna screw up my warranty.
boooo @ verizon
I don't know about verizon, I have heard complaints from others who use verizon. I use Cingular (the "new"/old AT&T)
T-mobile sidekick 3 didnt have the windows platform so I upgraded to the dash.
I use TMobile, but I have the Blackberry Pearl so I have zero issues browing almost anything...especially AL. I play TW and Travian on there when I am travelling.
Thank you thank you, I just dl'd the opera browser and can now access AL and play it on the mobile which I couldnt do before. Saves me lugging the laptop around.

I have a question about accessing AL via cell phones,
We recently switched from alltel to nextel.
I can get to the login page (@ AL) I enter my username and password and submit but all it does is take me back to the main page again.Where it wants to sign in agian.I dont get any error or anything.
Like I said when I was with alltel I never had any issues now with nextel I cant log in here.
Any help would be appreciated.
that's exactly what happens to me.
have you tried downloading operamini onto your phone?
no not yet, I may do that later today.If i do and it works i'll post back here.