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Full Version: there still aren't alot of people playing this game....
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Jupiter agree with Sarge.

unless the reward was so minor that it didn't give players any real advantage over others....

for example, 3 credits for each DAY that you vote... it would take a LONG time for that to be of any real benefit... (34 days would net you 102 credits)

on the flip side, it would help improve the game's exposure by helping to keep it higher on the rpg sites.


Well seeing as torn city is down at the moment a lot of people are getting annoyed with it and now would be the perfect time to get a whole lot of torn city people onto awakenedlands!!!!!! im not sure how you would do it but im definatley sure that you could get a lot of people that way... mabye if you have a torn city account send ID and you get like 3 donator days at the start lots of people that dont play torn city will pretend that they do so they can get the perk but then thats just more people playing then isn't it
problem is if you offer donator days for like 2 days when it stops itll be like what the heck, it was tough already. a handfull might donate to keep that up, but most wouldnt

in any case, i think the travel agency is a little silly. i mean... think about it - a plane to get from one side of the city to the other? for $100? come on Smile lol. that just doesnt make much sense ^_^

other random ideas (note, i am under the influence of possibly alcoholic substances.. maybe.. so if you dont like these ideas just take that into consideration):

when you complete something TOUGH (maybe a crime that is ABOVE your level or busting someone out of jail when the jailtime is near the max you can complete) your stats improve slightly. maybe like by 1 development point. something small and simple, but something.

the option to friend up to 3 people without donating. friendlists are commonplace in almost every game to date... just a thought? i mean i donated so i dont have to worry but i dont think i should have had to donate to use a friends list. enemies list is different, but friends list seems like a staple to most games

maybe make it so only people in your city or location are visible? that would be kinda cool to have like a masterlist of people and then the option to make only people in your area visible so you dont have to fish people out. (i shoot for simplicity)

offer training in the hospital <3

jail fights
if youre in jail and you have excess energy, offer the ability to fight other people in jail as long as they are within 2 levels? i think that could make things interesting for people who are mad stuck in jail with full energy and no happiness. oh - and winner gets a 1/3 current happiness refill Razz

make an NPC for every 5 levels so you can try to shoot for something when it comes to strength? i mean... some people who are higher level are straight up weak, so when i attack someone here or there i either dominate or get dominated, so the overall concept of "strength" is entirely skewed. it would be nice to see a little bit of stability when it comes to what is or is not strong, like maybe an NPC at level 5, 10, and 15 to compare to. again, just a thought

an increase to ALL stats when you level, not just the stat that you were training in? like, i level off of a crime and i get +2 development points in dexterity? buuuut what if i did mostly attacking and then levelled of the crime? i'm pretty sure thats how it worked, i might be mistaken but whatever

ok im done for now... sorry haha

edit: also maybe when you take a class and its coming down to the day, include the time? i mean it would be nice to see when you actually finish Smile or by the hour or somethin


"I love this game. It's the best ever." -Wolverine

note to self, dont leave pc unlocked when he's around....


i second he emotion for jail fights. that would be good.
any other ideas? :OOOO

what about self admission to the hospital when under 50% hp so you can regen up to 75 faster Razz
maybe if you have NEVER attempted a crime, make the possibility of getting caught by the cops 0% for the first 2-3 attempts? that way you can see if youre qualified enough for it or something?

also some crimes give clues on what u need to work on if you fail, but if you only get caught by the cops (like me) then you dont know what to work on.

...maybe? :/


I'm not sure if what im about to post has been mentioned already and honestly I'm not about to read through 5 pages of stuff just to find out.

What I think we really need is something more to encourage people to have referrals. What happens to me alot and I'm quite sure alot of other people have this problem, but what happens is, is I get referrals to sign up but eventually most of them quite for various reasons or aren't active enough to even bother with. Right now I have 5 or 6 referrals and out of those referrals I have one that is active. So for me it's gotten to the point where I'm saying it's not worth my troubles to search and find the referrals because in the end they will either quit or they won't be active for weeks, then come online for an hour and so on...

What I'm purposing we do to persuade people to put forth the effort to find referrals is get a some sort of bonus just for them signing up. There are various things we could recieve, of course it wouldn't be anything to extreme. Say when a individual gets someone to sign up with his/her referral link, once that person activates there account, we would get the referral points just like we would when a referral reaches a certain level. This could also cause a problem with Donator status because if someone had an insane amount of referrals and got all the credits for it, he could buy donator days with it, which would lose the game money from people spending on Donations.

So another possable thing would be money. Say when a referral activates there account, the person who referred them to the site got $1,000 (or something that is just a "for instance") for them just activating there account. Me personally if I have a referral who I know will play, naturally I will help them out with weapons and armor. The catch is, this money comes from my pocket and it usually cost be about $2,000+ to send them some half decent equipment.

I have done this for 2 referrals. Only 1 of them still plays and they don't play often enough for me to even worry about getting referral points for.

This is just my thought on what we can do to get more people to search for referrals because basically the more we have the more likely we are to have some that will stay and play the game. Not alot of people are going to take the time and effort to find referrals if there aren't going to play and I'm 100% confident that my idea will persuade them to get out there and search for these active players to be!

Now I'm sure there will be some constructive critism about my post and I hope there is lots because I want to read everyone else's opinion on this.
The reason the referral system doesn't provide instant gratification with referral rewards is because of exploitation. Any chump who wants a ton of bonuses will just sign up multiple accounts.

Believe me, we have players who have gotten so many credits from referrals it's unreal. It's not a instant satisfaction system, it's a patient system much like the rest of the game.


LOL, zenith, I was reading that and thinking of posting something similar at exactly the same time as you, I decided against it, left the thread, then noticed it had another new entry. I find this highly amusing, probably because I am quite drunk atm.
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