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Phishe, at your lvl (not that I'm very far away) I was sticking to the 2 point con for the most part. Now I almost exclusively run the monorail pickpocket. You may be attempting just out of your reach. Going small I rarely ever land in the slammer.
Ive been looking at the # of people playing and joining for awhile. And I've seen that, with and exeption for X-mas, it has only grown for 3months, gotten bigger and bigger. Not only that, but the people playing has become more faithful. People advance faster in level, creating more competition so that people will grow even faster in level. And game economy is going through the roof lately. So in 2-3months this game will be tons of fun I think, when you get big factions opposing each other.

[edit] and just look at forum, alot more activity among posters Smile
the referral system freaking rocks.. im almost on a full week now and im pretty close to level 7, so yeah, its like cheating without cheating Biggrin

oooooo i like the mention of monthly awards, that would be sexy. maybe i'll earn something? i already made the pantheon a couple times, so that would be tiiiight

<-- greedy

and since im here.. i guess ill add my $.02!!

i had one or two friends get PISSED when they tried this game b/c they checked the crimes and were like " why cant i mug this dude??????"

maybe make certain crimes only visible at certain levels? like.. i am not opposed to having crimes out of reach still in sight, but having ALL crimes visible there and at the same time unattainable is unappealing to new people. i know i spent an hour or two trying to mug someone before i realized i couldnt do that, so i actually lagged behind some.

or maybe for the first level or two only have the low crimes available then at like level 3 open it up and be like ok now all crimes are here? i think that could really change stuff

and maybe make a level limit for attacking. like 15 level limit, so that way big big people couldnt just rape little people. i mean, from what ive experienced myself the big people really dont do that, which is kinda tight... well just a thought i dunno

also, maybe more NPCs, and more jobs!!! blah i guess im just spouting the obvious now tho. NPC fights would be fun, but the only ones that exist are way way out of reach and only the elders and other high levels can fight them and not get pwnt.

uhhhhh.... i had a good idea i think... hmm lemme think.. the personal trainers are kinda weak... hmm.. no thats not it... itll come to me...

hopefully this wasnt too annoying to read, and maybe somebody will get a good idea from the poo poo nut butter i just spewed Smile


Same good old Abysmal... lol

Seeing higher crimes does give you a goal to achieve which was proven scientifically to push people beyond what they thought was their personal limit to attain certain goals.

Attacking people too low gets you less exp (except for people over lvl 20 i think, there's a thread about exp somewhere) so people only do it when they have no choice or are PAID to do a hit. That's why high people can still attack lower ones.

There's 2 tough npc and 2 very easy one. Can't rememebr which but 1 of them can probably be beaten at lvl 9-10 if you have a better item than a knife and a spring coat on you. The other becomes easy at lvl 11-12 maybe 13 I think. then there's a huge jump to the other 2 tough guys.

There's more jobs but those you can't see before your reputation goes up. and it only goes up by taking courses in school (not all of them gives rep and exp though, visit http://www.aljunky,com for more info) or with your job and the daily stats gains.

Did I miss anything? It's too late anyway...

Now every1 votes for my frog for that big use of energy I did this late to make such a long post...
ok, i was actually trying to find out of there are more jobs but nobody has told me so far Smile thats pretty tight

i know thats a good reason to have crimes visible, but its actually kind of a detriment to some new new players. literally EVERY one of my friends whos played this so far (like.. all my referrals) has messaged me "WHY CANT I SMACK THIS DUDE, HE RUNS AWAY." they all waste their time trying to mug people and get really angry when they cant

yeah its good to see what they can work up to, but its kind of a tough game mechanic to understand when youre brand new. again, i wasted like an hour trying to mug people until i realized that... maybe i cant do that Smile it was just a thought


what I think would be good is if you can only see crimes within double your level... that way levelling would be an incentive to even SEE what crimes you get. I know that a lot of the fun of levelling at lower levels was 'when will I see a new district, I wonder what it'll have' and still now, I'm wondering when we'll hit the next district. If you have the added thrill of searching for new crimes to do at each level up, seeing meth lab appear when you hit lv 11, and thinking 'dang... can't wait to do that.. (little realising it's ALL you'll do for the next 3 months) and so on... I'd like that. It'd also stop lv 1's donating $40 and instantly doing the best crime for ages- doubt that's happened, but just in case.

Another thing I'd love to see is more 'district specific' things. Such as new crimes becoming available in certain districts, new jobs in higher districts, different gambling. Items and houses are nice enough, but there's scope to have LOADS of different stuff in districts, I'd love to find a new district and see new crimes and jobs becoming available.


Yeah, why isn't there a drug/organized crime section for jobs (or is it there but we need a ton of rep to see it??) in a crime based game?!?! lol

My kingdom for a 20-25 ap computer crime!!!!! Twisted
YES. crimes related to districts. i was disappointed to get to the next district to only see 3 stores and thats it. crimes related to districts would be amazing


it does kinda make sense. go out to rural to cook some meth, come back to the city to mug some fools.

maybe have some crimes that arent location dependent (but maybe even still different modifiers on success?)

if implemented well, this could be very sweet
could also make the payouts location oriented also. Example you steal a luxury car downtown, the chop shop there won't give you as much as the chop shop would in Rural. You pickpocket someone downtown you don't get as much as you would a highroller in Midlan. etc.
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