(2009.Aug.27 10:34 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]from the shadowrun game
+1 My name is pretty much what all our characters are classed as in Shadowrun. My avatar is from the Street Samurai handbook.
My one and only tattoo

Walked in wanting a tattoo, didn’t know what to get – pointed to a black, simple star design and told the guy something like that but more unique. He drew it, I loved it, and he made it permanent. Plus, it goes along with my astronomy obsession…
my original name (Lucky666) comes from my old obsession with religions and occultism
the name I go by now comes Neltharion, the Earth-Warder, one of the 5 aspects and now a villain from WarCraft
My real name is Hezekiah which translates to strength of god in english,,, but that is where I found the inspiration for armor of god
(2009.Sep.14 10:37 AM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]My real name is Hezekiah which translates to strength of god in english,,, but that is where I found the inspiration for armor of god
Perhaps I should go with big toe of god? stripes anyone?
how about camel toe of god,,, only joking,,,lol
one of my old gamer friends use to play here as well,but now no he is where to be seen

Noir short story character.
line from the movie Tombstone, where Doc Holiday is speaking with Johnny Ringo in the gambling/bar area
Doc Holliday: In vino veritas. (In wine there is truth.)
Johnny Ringo: Age quod agis. (Do what you do.)
Doc Holliday: Credat Judaeus Apella, non ego. (Let Apella the Jew believe, not I.)
Johnny Ringo: Iuventus stultorum magister. (Youth is the teacher of fools.)
Doc Holliday: In pace requiescat. (May he rest in peace.)
(2009.Aug.27 11:59 PM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.27 03:54 AM)m3th3ad Wrote: [ -> ]a greyhound I placed a bet on...it lost, funny name for a greyhound though
there was a greyhound named MethHead?!?!?
That was the trainers name