he winner of the 10 k is :
i got it i got it Johnny Mnemonic thats where your name comes from
not really sure where i got mine from, had it since i was a youngen, never really bothered to change. just yesterday i looked at my name and thought "why the hell am i named after a place where the sun don't shine..."
(2009.Aug.26 08:54 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Astronomy
LOL I remember another thread where you said you looked straight at your Zenith T.V. and came up with your name, Zenith.

A car commercial... well not really but I like to joke about it.
Was originally Sleek-Blade in the diablo 1 days until I played everquest and was forced to shorten it ... which I ended up liking.
Sad that since then it seems to be a very common / taken name in most games

so I had to add the X's
I played Dungeons and Dragons when I was around 10 and this was the name of the first character I created.
(2009.Aug.26 09:05 PM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ]not really sure where i got mine from, had it since i was a youngen, never really bothered to change. just yesterday i looked at my name and thought "why the hell am i named after a place where the sun don't shine..."

never thought of it that way

My name comes from Final Fantasy XI online. I was an elvaan character and this is the name that was generated for my character. Kept it since then.