From a comic book, but I'm sure there was another thread about this somewhere...
And my forum handle is a name I used on a barb in D2 LoD
my usual name is a shout out to one of my favorite bands, lamb of god.
my forum name is bud+buddha= buuddha
Mines from a song by the steve miller band...and well Some people call me a Space Cowboy....
Can't think where mine came from

if you knew me, you'd know why.
(2009.Aug.27 02:52 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]if you knew me, you'd know why.
its cuz he is the awesomest!!! So awesome that he can only be described as Like Woah.
a greyhound I placed a bet lost, funny name for a greyhound though
my name would take YEARS to explain
i suffered in the hospy FOR DAYS ON END to retain the glorious "VORENUS" name
499'ers 4 LYPHE

Back in the day my friend ran a BBS out of his house called "The Hotseat" and I needed a handle to go by, at the time I was listening to alot of Smashing Pumpkins and my particularly favorite song was Geek USA. So, I went by GeekUSA as I slaughtered the masses in Legend of the Red Dragon (the best MUD ever). Eventually when the internet came around I decided GeekUSA wasn't "international" enough (and was also too long) so I shortened it to Geek. =p