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Maybe this is my buisness.........
Guess if you can make this your business. I can make you my business Wink


im just trying to help some people out, you should know about that, ive been hospitalized by you for hitting spike and his gang before......
im not trying to start problems, like i said, just trying to help...


Demonknight stop digging your own grave


Hey Anti!! How's it going? Hello Dingus Smile


and how is this helping them out?
(2009.Aug.19 05:46 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Demonknight stop digging your own grave

Digging his own grave..!!!!!
How's he doing that..??
I have given DA another chance and they have not hit any of my gang members online since. The only reason i gave them a chance was because Phisheva asked me to when they where X-destroyers...


im just simply trying to get people to stop hospitalizing them and hitting them online, because MAYBE they have changed, im not promising they have, but it is possible..
and if people keep hitting them they are gonna retaliate which is just gonna keep pissing people off... im just trying to get them another chance.....
if they do start hitting people again online and hospitalizing people online, for no reason, it isnt hard to go right back to hitting them like before
Mail DemonKnight for Stims!Winky


(2009.Aug.19 05:50 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Aug.19 05:46 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Demonknight stop digging your own grave

Digging his own grave..!!!!!
How's he doing that..??
I have given DA another chance and they have not hit any of my gang members online since. The only reason i gave them a chance was because Phisheva asked me to when they where X-destroyers...

from making this dumb forum link and having a cry because somepeople are hosping some carlweaters fan club gang
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