(2009.Aug.04 12:42 PM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]inactive player for 6 months
Creativity is a blessing, while idle hands are the devil's tools.
Hey. I made an error, for once.

(2009.Aug.04 12:44 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Hey. I made an error, for once. 
Thats what happens when you turn the bot off.

Yeah. Shouldn't have turned it off.
The video has been posted on the forums a few posts back. This was recorded on august 4th. As of august 6th, the bot is no longer operational. Changes have been made to the site which have broken the bot.
(2009.Aug.06 03:17 AM)aruba1973 Wrote: [ -> ]The video has been posted on the forums a few posts back. This was recorded on august 4th. As of august 6th, the bot is no longer operational. Changes have been made to the site which have broken the bot.
So have you tried the bot?
Well I would certainly have paid $200 for a shot at auto play botting.Meh i'd have been top 5 by now.Small amount to pay I tell ya.
(2009.Aug.06 06:46 AM)Weathers Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.06 03:17 AM)aruba1973 Wrote: [ -> ]The video has been posted on the forums a few posts back. This was recorded on august 4th. As of august 6th, the bot is no longer operational. Changes have been made to the site which have broken the bot.
So have you tried the bot?
to know that the bot no longer works, you need to have tried it, no?
Wouldn't be much of a surprise if a brand new player was using it. If he is really a new player...
what's the latest? anyone busted yet?
I'm sure it's the seven laws again
kind of