for real. it seems everyone just wanted to post about about their experience with bots. They degrade the level of gameplay. Damn machines!!!! Ive seen terminator!!! I Know what will happen
coding isnt just for bots you know

(2009.Aug.04 04:18 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]You know, that bot doen't even break any rule. It trains, does crimes just like any other player.
From an ethical point of view though, it's a dirty business.
Rule 13 # Use of any browser extention or program that "plays the game for you" or "plays the game while you are away" is not tolerated and will lead to a permanent banning from the game.
I thought of writing one back when I was first introduced the the game... Then my referrer pointed this out. So I bought a smartphone instead. Sure I miss a few trains here and there, but it gives me something to do while waiting in lines/traffic/visiting the inlaws/etc. (and the phone even works on other websites)
If you have a desk job/spend a lot in time in front of a PC that can access the site, you are talking about 5-10 mouse clicks every 15-30 minutes. The pace of play can be grueling, but it doesn't have to be. Sadly, training has almost become a reflex... even when I tell my self I am going to level up, I still click Login, Gym, train, crimes, crime type, try again, try again, bank and change browser windows before I realize it. I've driven my happiness into the dirt before doing this, then think 'sh*t, I was supposed to attack/skill this time'
iI'm pretty upset by all this. Zen needs to do somthing to find out who has been using this. Either that or issue me a refund

(2009.Aug.04 06:50 AM)infinite93 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.04 04:18 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]You know, that bot doen't even break any rule. It trains, does crimes just like any other player.
From an ethical point of view though, it's a dirty business.
Rule 13 # Use of any browser extention or program that "plays the game for you" or "plays the game while you are away" is not tolerated and will lead to a permanent banning from the game.
I thought of writing one back when I was first introduced the the game... Then my referrer pointed this out. So I bought a smartphone instead. Sure I miss a few trains here and there, but it gives me something to do while waiting in lines/traffic/visiting the inlaws/etc. (and the phone even works on other websites)
If you have a desk job/spend a lot in time in front of a PC that can access the site, you are talking about 5-10 mouse clicks every 15-30 minutes. The pace of play can be grueling, but it doesn't have to be. Sadly, training has almost become a reflex... even when I tell my self I am going to level up, I still click Login, Gym, train, crimes, crime type, try again, try again, bank and change browser windows before I realize it. I've driven my happiness into the dirt before doing this, then think 'sh*t, I was supposed to attack/skill this time'
i admire your involvement in AL, and its because of people who work hard to get where they are spending countless hours in front of a computer or smartphone or w.e., hundreds of dollars on marijuanna, and about the same Donating in game that this bot just reverses everything. Bullshit. i say some1 codes bots to catch these people

(2009.Aug.03 10:31 PM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.03 10:23 PM)aruba1973 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.03 10:08 PM)BenDover Wrote: [ -> ]This is flawed. I am pretty sure Zen would detect this pretty quickly.
You would have to use an algorithm to randomize the intervals slightly; and even then it would probably not be too discrete.
Having said that, I in no way condone or encourage such things.
Carry on.
The algorithm does a wonderful job randomizing the intervals. For instance a users enters in a 5 minute interval, the program would chose a random number +/- a certain amount of seconds to refresh the gym page and then it randomises a few more seconds before doing the crimes/trains. It also detects when the user is in the hospital or jail and will stop training (but keep refreshing randomly) until the user is out.
And you know this how?
Anyone who's familiar with programming would be able to tell you this.
Outside of that, the person who coded this will be able to code another and another and another as each version becomes outdated due to Zenith coding in changes that "break" the bot. Ideally, looking for the signature of the bot is the best thing to do in this instance so that the people using it can be banned, although if the creator is still using it, likely they are developing another version as we speak since this one was outed on the forums.
My point? Next time just mail Zenith personally so that they dont have the chance to actually stop using it first.
how woul you know if some1 uses the bots? they will be online 24/7? would they be able to reply ur mails and such?
Once again because of the stupidty of a player/Players Zen must divert her time from coding and adding additional options/abilities to the game.
It really is a shame. We have players that have put in the time,effort and RL $ to advance in the game. Then to have others come and hack the system take advantage of exploits it really is starting to piss me the F**K off.
I've spent the last year of my return putting in 18 freakin f***kin hours per day into this game to find out that its for sheeet.
you know what those of you that are using have used or intend to use some type of hack/bot what the f**k ever can basically go to ,, f**k it just no worth the effort
NT thats because you are a bot.

(2009.Aug.04 09:00 AM)Nightrain Wrote: [ -> ]I've spent the last year of my return putting in 18 freakin f***kin hours per day into this game to find out that its for sheeet.
wow thats alot of hours... =\ u must have a laptop or just not get out that often... lol but Seriously we shud start reporting alot more often if u have ideas of who is a bot...