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Full Version: Vote: Which is a better Deal?
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Sorry, no linky clicky from people I dont know when I am at work. Sorry if you spent a lot of time searching for it. Here's another example for you, even though I know you won't agree with me.

I am buying a candy bar, when suddenly I see a factory for sale. Since the candy is only 5 cents off the retail price but the factory is 2,000,000 off retail price I should buy the factory since I am saving more money.

Of course comparing candy to a factory is relevant, right?
For you, it is. I've been done with this argument a long time ago. You're still chewing.


fight over tommi wins
(2009.Aug.03 12:15 PM)gerber Wrote: [ -> ]fight over tommi wins

He knows. Why can't you know, Blume?
(2009.Aug.03 12:17 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Aug.03 12:15 PM)gerber Wrote: [ -> ]fight over tommi wins

He knows. Why can't you know, Blume?

He knows what I bought the helmet for.

Even my original offer to you was below what I paid. Thats called the buy low sell high math lesson, which we wont get into here. Just know that I was taking a loss on what I offered you originally.
Keep going.
Why is this still going?

If you are buying something, pay what they are willing to sell it for, negotiate a better deal, or buy it somewhere else.

Poll, really?


this poll is stupid without the bacon choice... =( i hate this so much... *starts drooling over thoughts of bacon* But id rather the helmet...
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