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Full Version: Vote: Which is a better Deal?
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% discount is the only fair way to compare a sale price on different/varying priced items. Comparing $ discounts, in this case, is meaningless.
Not really, but okay. Smile I'll relax and wait for another offer to come along.
(2009.Aug.03 10:22 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Not really, but okay.

Please do explain, I would love to understand your logic.
I would..But would you really understand? Do you have yourself collected that much to really understand?
(2009.Aug.03 10:27 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I would..But would you really understand? Do you have yourself collected that much to really understand?

Afraid to post your faulty logic I see
Well, yes. It'd be falling on a less than capable mind. It'd go unnoticed as you picked the dingle berries from your sack and chewed on them like a cow on its cud.
(2009.Aug.03 10:31 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yes. It'd be falling on a less than capable mind. It'd go unnoticed as you picked the dingle berries from your sack and chewed on them like a cow on its cud.

Thanks for making my point. Close thread please.


Your comparing apples to oranges.
the true way of knowing who got the better deal.

Is comparing the sold price to what the local market is selling the identical item.

Apart from that, as stated by someone earlier. if at the time you made the transaction you felt you made a good deal then that ends the matter.
If you got ripped off or found somenthing better later on then to bad, no return or refund policy in place.
No problem. I had fun filling in all the details for you.

Ahh. I finally caught on to the renege thing, now..I think.

I asked if he'd sell the armor back to me, and he said he sold it. That it was worthless to him and he couldn't use it. So, I went on my way and found someone else to sell me the armor.
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