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Full Version: Vote: Which is a better Deal?
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Don't you mean 250?

Anyway, yes. Even a small percentage off any big item is still a drop in money. As you made painfully obvious, even 50% off base price on small items is still not much of a discount, anyway. As I, also, have made painfully obvious with expressing my point against yours.
Tommi theory is correct. Shit! Did I just agree with him? damnit!
(2009.Aug.03 09:34 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Don't you mean 250?

no, but I did mean 190.


(2009.Aug.03 09:21 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe, Blume, you should present the whole argument, as a whole. Not just the bare minimum, which was way under what we talked about.

Mothy on the scam wagon lol
On the original purchase did you feel it was fair? Obviously you did you bought it.
Did you feel you did a fair deal in return? If you think you gave too much then that's on you, you set the price and agreed to it.
Its a matter of you made your price, got what you asked for so why rehash it?
(2009.Aug.03 09:55 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Aug.03 09:21 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe, Blume, you should present the whole argument, as a whole. Not just the bare minimum, which was way under what we talked about.

Mothy on the scam wagon lol

Seems so. I guess I reneged on that armor, whatever that means.


Don't worry about it tommi.A discount on anything in this game is nothing to be sniffy about.Its better than regular price and thats all there is to it.
Thanks, Biff. The only problem for me is I'll have to wait a little longer to get a B4C helmet, which isn't much of a problem at all.

It's kind of funny, though..He went, right after the argument, and made a thread to sell the helmet like a sad, spiteful person would. Sad It hurts me so good.
(2009.Aug.03 10:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, Biff. The only problem for me is I'll have to wait a little longer to get a B4C helmet, which isn't much of a problem at all.

It's kind of funny, though..He went, right after the argument, and made a thread to sell the helmet like a sad, spiteful person would. Sad It hurts me so good.

Actually, the thread to sell the helmet was to gauge what offers I would get from people other than see if I was being too pricey. But you can call that spite if you want.

As far as what I paid for the armour, I was happy with it and wasnt complaining. I offered to sell the helmet to Tommi at a greater % discount than he gave me on the armour, and he laughed at it, saying his apples to oranges discount was greater than what I offered on the helmet. Thus the poll.
Yep. Also made a point that, if you wanted to play that game, than you should sell me the helmet at $100,000 to break even, on the discount I gave you, value-wise.
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