(2009.Aug.03 02:51 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Oh look another powerleveller tried to get too much too quick, burned out, got bored and left.
bye, come back and train sometime
i thought you were talking about me at first..... then i was like..... wait im not quiting lol
I think your username hints at your ambitions
Pullo will be spinning in her grave.
(2009.Aug.03 02:51 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Oh look another powerleveller tried to get too much too quick, burned out, got bored and left.
bye, come back and train sometime
NO...you are wrong mister...i have some problems in RL.
And preach you still suck

(2009.Aug.02 12:32 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.01 11:57 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes I think just leaving makes a stronger point than posting that you're leaving. Just sayin...
Good point...........
For my part he was an good fellow and helpful warrior. He most certainly was obnoxious at times though.................
I'll bet cash he comes back............odds will be posted soon..........
Preach does not suck.....he manipulates the
fill in in the blank
Take care of your RL stuff batman. When you get sorted come on back. Kudos to you for making RL a priority!
Batman is in DD...for free bravery points and for free xp just hit him hard
btw...he haven't items with him and no cash in the pockets
(2009.Aug.08 10:52 AM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.08 10:44 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Batman is in DD...for free bravery points and for free xp just hit him hard
btw...he haven't items with him and no cash in the pockets
Just retire already!!!!
Yeah, for real.. :
Name: RetiredBatman [20283]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 38
Gender: Male
Signed Up: February 16, 2008 12:07:35 pm
Last Active: August 8, 2009 11:45:16 am
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Days Old: 539
Location: Downtown Decatur
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Health Status: Healthy
In hospital for 21 minutes. Reason : Bit off more than they could chew with QuoVadis.
re-equip you aren't worth that many xp.