(2009.Aug.01 10:05 PM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]damn, im kind of disappointed that he didnt call me out by name. wait...no im not.
i have a feeling batgirl wont be gone very long.
*loots the batcave*
Already looted and all i found was a box of tampons and some old eye liner!!!

Sometimes I think just leaving makes a stronger point than posting that you're leaving. Just sayin...
(2009.Aug.01 06:08 PM)psheehan78 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.01 05:54 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]"she" had more balls than you'll ever have
salut frate si mai vorbim 
It's true, I've seen em. She had like 6 balls.
GR posted!!! my hero lol... sup GR?
(2009.Aug.01 11:57 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes I think just leaving makes a stronger point than posting that you're leaving. Just sayin...
Good point...........
For my part he was an good fellow and helpful warrior. He most certainly was obnoxious at times though.................
I'll bet cash he comes back............odds will be posted soon..........
(2009.Aug.01 07:13 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]wow last time I fought you proper I was hosping you left right and centre.Now you took my pantheon spot 19th damn you.Wanna be buddies now?
You had me at "Biff Beef"
Can you buy Biff Beef the same place you can Dingus Berries?
(2009.Aug.02 05:51 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Can you buy Biff Beef the same place you can Dingus Berries?
What is the Walmart's kids section.
(2009.Aug.01 12:49 PM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]PS:for foley,preacher,superdude and jaysin...batgina is off...now find other player to mock with him...
That's unfair.
You craved for attention, we gave you attention. You were nobody, you are somebody now. You wanted love, we gave you fame. Don't run when the best is yet to come.
Oh look another powerleveller tried to get too much too quick, burned out, got bored and left.
bye, come back and train sometime