(2009.Jul.28 10:37 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.28 10:33 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]power level was a later thought by the coder....its still a mystery in a bag....losing 10 points in a battle if you are offline is pretty much what killed the respect wars too....easy to steal em if you arent on...should be a way to defend offline players 
but how will us little guys get our fancy gang battle points?
Work your stats up to beat bigger levels in gang wars.

i agree 100% with you pun. the gang war point system is all screwed up. i think hp should be more of a factor.
using a leave, if you attack someone in fair for xp, you dont get the same xp as if they were in healthy. why would you get the same amount of gang points?
Thanks for all the hard work on the GP spacebird!!!!

I like it how it is. A time for the little guys to shine and show what they can do for the gang.
(2009.Jul.28 10:37 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.28 10:33 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]power level was a later thought by the coder....its still a mystery in a bag....losing 10 points in a battle if you are offline is pretty much what killed the respect wars too....easy to steal em if you arent on...should be a way to defend offline players 
quit your whining. if you had spent more time on spacebird instead of me, maybe you woulda saved those points. so its nobodies fault but your own. 
meh if i wanted to put you all in the hospital i would have...notice i gained exp from you all...only 4k more till my next level dillhole
(2009.Jul.28 10:45 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]I like it how it is. A time for the little guys to shine and show what they can do for the gang.
that is the issue...stats make the points...not hp...the hp part is what is fd up
i know plenty of players that can own people way higher in level than they are...you should never be penalized for being strong
i think "dillhole" should be added to the words that are automatically modded.
Can Conrad be added to that list?
It takes teamwork, to get them to where the little guys can get them for the big ones from them.
please dont preach war strategy...ffs
(2009.Jul.28 10:37 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.28 10:33 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]power level was a later thought by the coder....its still a mystery in a bag....losing 10 points in a battle if you are offline is pretty much what killed the respect wars too....easy to steal em if you arent on...should be a way to defend offline players 
but how will us little guys get our fancy gang battle points?
Suckle The Teet