Attacking a lot is 1 thing, finding the right target is another!!
People are going crazy about leveling since we learned level matters at 70% while stats are only 30%. Maybe bringing it to 50/50 would give a break to those who pays regular visits to the hospital?
hydro9226 Wrote:Hahaha!
Attacking a lot is 1 thing, finding the right target is another!!
People are going crazy about leveling since we learned level matters at 70% while stats are only 30%. Maybe bringing it to 50/50 would give a break to those who pays regular visits to the hospital?
Out of curioslity, Sarge would like to know when when we "learned" this?
Sarge has seen this 70% figure posted here numerous times by a few select individuals, but when was this confirmed by anyone?
Thanks in advance!
Ushanewnewba Wrote:1 Marvel Wolverine 147
2 Marvel ThorOdinson 59
damn who's
funding your terrorism al-Qaeda ?
I want to know how you determined a 70/30 breakdown of level / stats.
zenith Wrote:I want to know how you determined a 70/30 breakdown of level / stats.
As would Sarge, Zen, as would Sarge.......
zenith Wrote:I want to know how you determined a 70/30 breakdown of level / stats.
I thought it was you who said that but I'm already tired of looking throught your 509 posts... guess it wasn't you.
So, how are they really setup then? Why do I have such a hard time (by that i mean get my butt kicked) with guy 1 or 2 levels above me with lower battle stats and I know they can't have a better weapon than mine (most likely the same though) and a lesser armor.
I'm just
very curious on how it works, that's all. And I'm aware of the gang defense bonus of some sort but not all of them have a gang.
well, I agree with that 70/30 breakdown, except it was valid before a few changes were made and applied to getting strong at the beginning of the game. basically if you find urself level 6 or 7 after a couple days back when happiness regened at 10 per tic always, it was well worth putting 70% of your effort into leveling and 30 into stats.
It was me who said it

but things have been changed, so its around 50/50 now
earlier, if you leveled fast enough you didnt need to train, cause levels made stats better. And ontop of that you got more AP more EP to level faster. So instead of training on level 15, you could powerlevel to level 20 and train there. Since EP regen rate is higher and you can do bigger trains, meaning shorter tim to train and you can get back to power leveling again faster, without losing the advantage.
2 people on level 15, one is training and one is powerleveling. the one power leveling to level 20 will start to train there and will train while he waits for the other level 15 to reach level 20. The one that reach level 20 first will have MUCH better stats. This cant be applied to AWA since we have joined at difference point, but it is a valid point nevertheless.
But some changes has been made, higher Happiness refresh, battle modifications making skills more important and I think that level importance has been cut back.
I still think that levels are important, they give bigger trains and recharges EP faster.
That clears some things up.
plus with the new experience gains from combat people will have to beat those closer in level to them to gain the most xp from the EP