gtoofs Wrote:I was trying to end the banter and name calling and finger pointing. You need to get your facts straight before you go accusing me of my motives for attacking people or warring gangs. BTW I cant stand historical revisionists. 
Well, I will walk away knowing what I know because unlike you I really don't care what you say about me. Unlike you and some of your gang I have the maturity to walk away. And seriously, if you think one mail is good enough to call me a liar, then you are wrong....again!!!
Catseye Wrote:gtoofs Wrote:I was trying to end the banter and name calling and finger pointing. You need to get your facts straight before you go accusing me of my motives for attacking people or warring gangs. BTW I cant stand historical revisionists. 
Well, I will walk away knowing what I know because unlike you I really don't care what you say about me. Unlike you and some of your gang I have the maturity to walk away. And seriously, if you think one mail is good enough to call me a liar, then you are wrong....again!!!
Then why do you keep posting about it? Can't you just walk away for real and let it die? Or are you 1 of those person that always feel the need to have the last word? (Oh please for god's sake, don't answer...)
My first post was going to Pun because he knows better than to restart drek in forums but this, this is just getting very annoying and pointless...
2nd attempt to get this back on topic. Whiners about ofline attacks should be shown what online attacks feel like IMO. Whether it's 15 mins or 15 days. Although I do usually keep attacks to 25mins...unless special circumstances.
good play on staying on topic
offline attacks are definitely part of the game and anyone who doesnt understand that should definitely look for another game.
I do wish more players would stick around fir the higher levels so the pool of players wouldn't be soo small.
There has to be something to help people get past that level 20, 120 day mark who stick around
Ih8lucky13 Wrote:Am I the only one who has been hitting people offline, and having them whine about it.
1, You are hitting me too many times
2. You are a way higher level than me.
3. Am I the only one you can beat/
4. Do I look fat in these jeans(oops thats real life)
Sorry I try to hold off for at least an hour, but there are times when you are going to be hit when you stay off for a while.
Please I am tired of whiny e-mails
Nothing personal, if you are in the hosp when you come on just kindly ask me for some stims.
happens all the time to me...if they whine i just refer them to gun4hires gang profile
works like a charm
LOL, I seriously want the fuzzy pink bunny pillow fights.
its great to see nothing has changed in my time away. if we had nothing to complain about would we really be happy? hahaha good to be back
very matter how much Zen tries to make everyone happy by changng things, people are always whining. Oh well, is what I say.
jlabrasseur Wrote:its great to see nothing has changed in my time away. if we had nothing to complain about would we really be happy? hahaha good to be back
Off topic, but WELCOME BACK!
jlabrasseur Wrote:its great to see nothing has changed in my time away. if we had nothing to complain about would we really be happy? hahaha good to be back
off topic but welcome back man