it's a good idea, but it'll be a disadvantage for melee users; specifically longblade uerser
(2009.Jul.23 10:51 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]it's a good idea, but it'll be a disadvantage for melee users; specifically longblade uerser
How does it effect a melee user?
people might use different melee weapons for pvp or war...
(2009.Jul.23 06:57 AM)infinite93 Wrote: [ -> ]1- Borgs don't randomly fail during fights
2- Weapons actually work properly with the required stats (instead of needing 10 above for full effect)
3- Crime success rates have nothing to do with how far into a level you are
4- There is no software that analyzes typing patterns to determine left/right handed players and handicap fights accordingly.
AL Mythbusters, where are you?
1- They do not fail, its only a 2nd random factor
2- yes, Zen posted it herself a long time ago that you wont see the full potential of an item if you only have the minimum required stats.
3- Nah, the human brain makes it look like so.
4- Theres much more than that but it doesnt really matter in here

Its evolution...Awakened Lands 2006 to 2007, Random Lands 2007-2008, Fubar 2008- Present.
(2009.Jul.22 07:49 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]That's a pretty cool idea.
I swap between my Bardiche for PVP and my Ionized axe for HQ hits
he will be even worse if zen decides to make this new code happen. i also think this is what skills are for tho.
Why would you swap between Bardiche and Ion......
Just use Ion if you have the skills.