(2009.Jul.22 07:49 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.22 07:37 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]When I first started playing this game I thought Mudpies told me that one you equipped an item and trained in it a bit that it only improved the performance. However by removing the item you lose a bit of that additional performance from the item and when you re-equip its gonna take more training to get back to the best results you previously had.
History has shown this to not be the case. People equip and reequip without any penalty or anything.
Maybe putting something along these lines would show those nasty unequippers
That's a pretty cool idea.
You mean it doesnt work that way??? where the hell am i!

i thought if you had a weapon for long enough it gets better when you use it... haha i guess its not the case.
Would it be possible to make it take effect if you're unequipped for 5 minutes or longer? 10 mins, 2 mins, I don't care. What if someone wants to just try out a different weapon? I didn't sift through this thread so sorry if this is a duplicate concept.
i like it if you can include both melee and ranged in the formula..for those that use both
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was told this.
Next thing you know she is going to tell us that:
Borgs don't randomly fail during fights
Weapons actually work properly with the required stats (instead of needing 10 above for full effect)
Crime success rates have nothing to do with how far into a level you are
There is no software that analyzes typing patterns to determine left/right handed players and handicap fights accordingly.
AL Mythbusters, where are you?
(2009.Jul.22 08:42 PM)BlackHand Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be possible to make it take effect if you're unequipped for 5 minutes or longer? 10 mins, 2 mins, I don't care. What if someone wants to just try out a different weapon? I didn't sift through this thread so sorry if this is a duplicate concept.
And what about the people who have no items ?.
why we have skills then? isnt that the goal of skills?
if we gonna have penalties for unequiping what % we should suffer? if we will suffer that penalty i think it should only be applied if we stay more than x hours unequiped.. or equiped with a weapon class thats not the one we study in skills...
If this only pertains to weapons then, my bad. But what about those of use who unequip to send shields for recharging? We shouldn't be penalized to be able to use our equipment.
(2009.Jul.23 06:57 AM)infinite93 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was told this.
Next thing you know she is going to tell us that:
Borgs don't randomly fail during fights
Weapons actually work properly with the required stats (instead of needing 10 above for full effect)
Crime success rates have nothing to do with how far into a level you are
There is no software that analyzes typing patterns to determine left/right handed players and handicap fights accordingly.
AL Mythbusters, where are you?
Borgs are not random

the code surrounding your fight is random...