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(2009.Jul.21 07:46 PM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]I think if Conrad feels strongly enough to make a thread about it, the changes must be REALLY good, and we should make more just like them.
And I would like to see Deathwing's hospital code request done, then have someone hosp the daylights out of him for months on end like he does to others, but only when he has the protection of higher ups
i grew up with the old code and i didn't have any protection. while now i do happen to have that luxury a months back i do remember dancing with x-pats for a few days and i don't recall you doing anything... to busy to help your own? don't preach to me about bullying specially considering your past. or what was it ok when you and g2 were hosping defenseless gangs for no reason?
you either help the weak or don't. and since you didn't help your own mind your business and stop growing guts only when it suits you
(2009.Jul.21 09:53 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 07:46 PM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]I think if Conrad feels strongly enough to make a thread about it, the changes must be REALLY good, and we should make more just like them.
And I would like to see Deathwing's hospital code request done, then have someone hosp the daylights out of him for months on end like he does to others, but only when he has the protection of higher ups
i grew up with the old code and i didn't have any protection. while now i do happen to have that luxury a months back i do remember dancing with x-pats for a few days and i don't recall you doing anything... to busy to help your own? don't preach to me about bullying specially considering your past. or what was it ok when you and g2 were hosping defenseless gangs for no reason?
you either help the weak or don't. and since you didn't help your own mind your business and stop growing guts only when it suits you
bringin the hosp code back would be awesome right about now..... for seven laws
(2009.Jul.21 10:38 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]bringin the hosp code back would be awesome right about now..... for seven laws
I can tell.

Just thought i'd repeat in here what I said in the other thread... I'm starting to like this exp code change... I get more exp off 2 ppl now than I was getting of 4-5 ppl b4.
However I certainly hope you have a few higher paying crimes in your back pocket Zen because I am now spending 3 times the amt of Nimbus so that I can attack again.
seems as if changes have been made already....
(2009.Jul.21 09:53 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 07:46 PM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]I think if Conrad feels strongly enough to make a thread about it, the changes must be REALLY good, and we should make more just like them.
And I would like to see Deathwing's hospital code request done, then have someone hosp the daylights out of him for months on end like he does to others, but only when he has the protection of higher ups
i grew up with the old code and i didn't have any protection. while now i do happen to have that luxury a months back i do remember dancing with x-pats for a few days and i don't recall you doing anything... to busy to help your own? don't preach to me about bullying specially considering your past. or what was it ok when you and g2 were hosping defenseless gangs for no reason?
you either help the weak or don't. and since you didn't help your own mind your business and stop growing guts only when it suits you
Sorry DW got to step in here when i was in DM with thrill he backed up his words at xpats he backs up his words he hasn't changed one bit except getting stronger.
Im willing to give the new code a go however I see holes in it that are going to be detrimental to me. for sake of example Ill name names.
Conrad can beat me every time. I take off a reasonable chunk of damage but not enough to defeat him. On occasion I will take off a lot and he gets bonus points. Therefore he gains more than I do and accelerates away from me (can lvl faster etc)
I fight mace. High lvl much higher than me and hammer him for less than 5% of my hp. I gain half exp. so I hit Nesta Vipers, again high level again half exp.
Anyone strong for their lvl around the 40 mark is gonna find this very tough going forward. yet players like Mace and Nesta vipers will still be able to pick off the players 10 lvls below them and still benefit.
Oh and if by some miracle I do overpower someone, what is my reward ... 70 exp
What Moriarty says is the truth. However the new code has been designed to give bonuses for fighting people around the same power level. Everyone then assumes that this means that higher actual level should automatically mean higher power level. When in fact all it means is that people need to find new targets.
There is no right or wrong way to build your character, it is all about individual choice. The power levels have always been there, now there is an incentive to stick to them.
Having said that, i do feel that Cheetah and Pun and a couple others have been dealt the worst hand possible with this new code, it really is unfair to them as there are massive gaps in power level at the top. So even though i am benefitting from the new code i would rather we have something that is fair to all.
As powerlevel is hidden to everyone finding your power level is very difficult.
you and nestavipers are up to 6 levels higher than me, how you chose to get there is your choice but I shouldnt get half experience for fighting someone that has got to a higher level than me by fighting the weak and inactives, that makes the game ridiculous
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