2009.Jul.22, 01:47 PM
2009.Jul.22, 03:44 PM
(2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
well there u have it. problem solved. at least worth a day of experimentaton.
(2009.Jul.22 12:36 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
So what if I sell my weapon, which is a proper weapon for my level, and use the money to upgrade my housing. Then I only have enough for a say 15000 weapon. And for a month or 2 strictly train and really have no need for a weapon. Would that be considered? Because Im honestly thinking of doing that. Im sure there are several people out there doing the same thing, and vice versa.
it shouldnt affect this situation. unless....you have a gun and unequip it. plus...i cant imagine never having a weapon. how are you gonna help us kick some ass when need be?!

2009.Jul.22, 04:04 PM
(2009.Jul.22 01:16 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Zen your getting bullied in your own game who cares if they don't like it deal with it jesus frag man.
There are ways to get around this stuff... just a bit of strategy change.
I've been calculating my numbers (and I know it won't be applicable to the high level people)... and I gain a bit extra here and lose a bit there... it's really all about the same it seems.
Just gotta be more tactical.
2009.Jul.22, 05:12 PM
(2009.Jul.22 03:44 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
well there u have it. problem solved. at least worth a day of experimentaton.
(2009.Jul.22 12:36 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
So what if I sell my weapon, which is a proper weapon for my level, and use the money to upgrade my housing. Then I only have enough for a say 15000 weapon. And for a month or 2 strictly train and really have no need for a weapon. Would that be considered? Because Im honestly thinking of doing that. Im sure there are several people out there doing the same thing, and vice versa.
it shouldnt affect this situation. unless....you have a gun and unequip it. plus...i cant imagine never having a weapon. how are you gonna help us kick some arse when need be?!
If all I could afford ATM was a cheap weapon it may show up so poorly in PVP it may look as if I have no weapon equipped. Or if a player sold their weapon because they were upgrading, and they had a buyer for their new weapon, but couldnt afford the new one for a week or so. Ive done this with armor in the past and had to pvp without armor for a week.
2009.Jul.22, 05:46 PM
(2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
It's only the tip of the iceberg Zen. Putting the decision in the hands of players to decide how much XP they are worth to other players by merely equiping or un-equiping a weapon has to be the silliest idea I've seen in an online game and now you are suggesting a half assed XP loss solution for players who don't equip. If players aren't interested in leveling or have just gained a level it really will not hurt them in the least. At the end of the day players attacking them will still only be getting half xp so who really benefits?
One solution is to make them worth the same xp they were worth in the old system. That way un-equiping has no effect on the game but the logical solution is to take it out of the players hands altogether. It's lunacy. Experience points should not be dictated by players in this manner. The real solution is take the decision away from players altogether.
This is why these new changes are flawed. Everything is too easily manipulated by players, randomness and the fact that this current system just isn't going to work in the long run.
The new system is based entirely on having 5% damage done to the attacking player so they are entitled to full experience points.
That's it. full experience points is dictated entirely by the fact of being hit. This is my biggest beef with the system. Why does player level have very little bearing on the experience total? Why aren't battle stats relative to the combatants a factor?. Why should it matter if a player gets hit or not decide whether or not they are entitled to full or half experience?. Surely player levels and battle stats are a better solution?
In my view bonus and reduced experience is not needed. Revamp the system and make experience gained relative to the combatants levels and battle stats. I just want a system that is fair for everyone not a system that benefits certain styles of progression while penalizing other methods of progression.
Players who do not train in the gym gain the most benefit from the current system and in particular dexterity. Having a low dexterity means an increased chance of getting hit so keeping this stat low while having decent armor and a belt means players can gain the maximum benefit while players that have trained a lot of dexterity and skills like combat evasion could see the opposite. This is the biggest flaw of the 5% damage system in my view. There must be a way to balance it out.
The 5% damage threshold just isn't enough to make this new system viable. It's too basic and has the potential to be too easily manipulated by other players. I just hope when the hysteria of bonus experience wears off the community will stop and take a look at the bigger picture.
2009.Jul.22, 05:53 PM
(2009.Jul.22 05:46 PM)Fallout Wrote: [ -> ](2009.Jul.22 12:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I am thinking the best solution to the XP complaints is to make only a bonus to players who attack and almost lose. The players who don't equip lose extra XP rather than limit the XP earned for the winner.
It's only the tip of the iceberg Zen. Putting the decision in the hands of players to decide how much XP they are worth to other players by merely equiping or un-equiping a weapon has to be the silliest idea I've seen in an online game and now you are suggesting a half assed XP loss solution for players who don't equip. If players aren't interested in leveling or have just gained a level it really will not hurt them in the least. At the end of the day players attacking them will still only be getting half xp so who really benefits?
One solution is to make them worth the same xp they were worth in the old system. That way un-equiping has no effect on the game but the logical solution is to take it out of the players hands altogether. It's lunacy. Experience points should not be dictated by players in this manner. The real solution is take the decision away from players altogether.
This is why these new changes are flawed. Everything is too easily manipulated by players, randomness and the fact that this current system just isn't going to work in the long run.
The new system is based entirely on having 5% damage done to the attacking player so they are entitled to full experience points.
That's it. full experience points is dictated entirely by the fact of being hit. This is my biggest beef with the system. Why does player level have very little bearing on the experience total? Why aren't battle stats relative to the combatants a factor?. Why should it matter if a player gets hit or not decide whether or not they are entitled to full or half experience?. Surely player levels and battle stats are a better solution?
In my view bonus and reduced experience is not needed. Revamp the system and make experience gained relative to the combatants levels and battle stats. I just want a system that is fair for everyone not a system that benefits certain styles of progression while penalizing other methods of progression.
Players who do not train in the gym gain the most benefit from the current system and in particular dexterity. Having a low dexterity means an increased chance of getting hit so keeping this stat low while having decent armor and a belt means players can gain the maximum benefit while players that have trained a lot of dexterity and skills like combat evasion could see the opposite. This is the biggest flaw of the 5% damage system in my view. There must be a way to balance it out.
The 5% damage threshold just isn't enough to make this new system viable. It's too basic and has the potential to be too easily manipulated by other players. I just hope when the hysteria of bonus experience wears off the community will stop and take a look at the bigger picture.
+1 Thank you. Most intelligent view I've read all day.
2009.Jul.22, 05:54 PM
the only way to keep a game such as this moving forward is to keep it evolving. anytime a major change like this this happens, there will be issues in more than one way. the code being used yesterday was very easy to exploit on numerous levels...it wasn't gonna do what it was designed to do. there is a happy medium and it will be found. i will reiterate what many have said in other threads though, we do need some more npc's at all levels.
ronin does make some very valid points.
ronin does make some very valid points.
2009.Jul.22, 06:28 PM
very good post ronin
2009.Jul.22, 06:34 PM
Ronin for President!
2009.Jul.22, 06:38 PM
Moral of the story:
I listen too much to the community.
I listen too much to the community.