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the best thing to do as i see it would be to remove the xp decrease for easy fights but kep the bonus for hard fights. that way we´d have a bit more interesting fight system without the potential problems. trying to find solutions for all of them would just eat up coding time that could be spent on much more interesting stuff.
it would also make sense in the bigger picture. i dont have much experience with online games, but from what i hear in most of them it is muh easier to gain levels than it is in al. and people love their levels. so reducing the effort needed to level a little is also good for the overall development of the game in that it could make a few more peole stay.
what i dont understand at all is why people keep repeating that the changes that have been made put the high levels at a huge disadvantage, the opposite is true. clearly, levelling has gotten tougher for them, but it has also gotten tought for people in the 35-45 range oflevels, possibly lower (even at my level i sometimes have to hit players that dont give good xp if i dont want to travel because every one´s in the hospital). that means that the gap in refresh rates will be bigger for a longer time, means it´s beneficial to the high levels.
Make minimum quantities for the easy fights, and work in the factors for the difficulty of the fight, giving you more experience per percentage of HP you get taken off.
I will vote for any solution that Conrad has since it's his thread & I agree.
"Reduction of XP is no longer half at the moment."
thanks. it will work itself out eventually.
oh well, i see its not back to normal, but at least its not half!

(2009.Jul.22 06:38 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Moral of the story:
I listen too much to the community.
Well you need to read Ronins post again... really absorb what it says!
you know I love the fact you really try to make things fair and everyone happy... but this post by fallout is right on the money!
Zen by the very nature that you listen to the community is the main reason we continue to play, Ive left several RPGs as the Admins were unflinching in their approach to fixing obvious bugs in their games, you and Err however are different, you evolve AL, sometimes the new bits dont work or need a tweak, Only way to truly test is to put them into prcatice. Dont be afraid to continue new implementations. This one wasnt far off the mark, it just needed to reward those willing to lose and not those leveling without a challenge
(2009.Jul.24 02:14 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Zen by the very nature that you listen to the community is the main reason we continue to play, Ive left several RPGs as the Admins were unflinching in their approach to fixing obvious bugs in their games, you and Err however are different, you evolve AL, sometimes the new bits dont work or need a tweak, Only way to truly test is to put them into prcatice. Dont be afraid to continue new implementations. This one wasnt far off the mark, it just needed to reward those willing to lose and not those leveling without a challenge
Could not have said it better, so I'm going to do the +1 thingy.

Thanks Zen
(2009.Jul.24 02:14 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Zen by the very nature that you listen to the community is the main reason we continue to play, Ive left several RPGs as the Admins were unflinching in their approach to fixing obvious bugs in their games, you and Err however are different, you evolve AL, sometimes the new bits dont work or need a tweak, Only way to truly test is to put them into prcatice. Dont be afraid to continue new implementations. This one wasnt far off the mark, it just needed to reward those willing to lose and not those leveling without a challenge
(2009.Jul.24 02:14 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Zen by the very nature that you listen to the community is the main reason we continue to play, Ive left several RPGs as the Admins were unflinching in their approach to fixing obvious bugs in their games, you and Err however are different, you evolve AL, sometimes the new bits dont work or need a tweak, Only way to truly test is to put them into prcatice. Dont be afraid to continue new implementations. This one wasnt far off the mark, it just needed to reward those willing to lose and not those leveling without a challenge
Yup, just don't stop the way you 2 are doing it, it keeps more players alive than its chasing some away.
People mentioned that we need to reamp AL's battle system.
But, what are we trying to achieve? I don't think the the community know exactly what the community want.
Are we trying to balance player's level to create more challenge for everyone?
Are we trying to make the battle experience more realistic?
Are we just looking some type of boost in the battle system to make it more interesting?
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