Mace is using the puddy cat method of getting friends, wiping me off the top 5 with this tactic, not impressive!
hey, welcome to the game
If you need any advice then add me to your friends list and mail me anytime and i will try to help you out.
So Mace, my ref has enough advice with me! Hehe. Sorry mate, had to show AL. Too funny when he sent it me.
Maybe Mace just really likes to help no0bs....

Actually yea everyone knows i help out the new guys, it is how i met Jo and Teal and a lot of my other friends as it has kept quite a few new players in the game
It is part of my contribution from my Community Boost thread. I help out with advice at first, and then if they stick around i help out with weapons and armor.
Im one of the good guys bren, get over it

Teal and I got one of those mails when we first joined AL.
Then we got some trouble and mailed Mace, he kept to his word and helped us out. The mails may be random but the offer of help is genuine
It also helps keep noobs playing the game and increase the player base which is what AL needs. Perhaps a few more of us could send out some mails and help new players get started in AL, it couldn't hurt anything.
Pfft, I used to buy them all guns straight off when I was on the prowl for friends.
Wait I kinda helped Mace out so that means you all owe me BIGTIME!
(2009.Jul.14 01:51 PM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]Pfft, I used to buy them all guns straight off when I was on the prowl for friends.
That is the exact reason i dont buy them all guns straight away. Im not "on the prowl for friends", i wait and see if they are the type of people who are actually going to stick around first.
I could easily have double the amount of friends if i just sent them bribes like that, but my aim is to keep the genuinely interested new players in the game.
This is old news to most people who i have asked to take in new players into their gangs etc...
Mace may I suggest asking them to add you to their enemies list from now on lol
Just helping the community, nothing more. I like it. Did I help you as a baby Mace? Maybe me being on the prowl for friends gave you the idea of helping the community by asking them to add you to their friends list if they need advice.
Anyway, it wasn't a bribe! It was a personal welcome pack as I thought Zen and Err were being stingey not giving one, that's all!
(2009.Jul.14 02:08 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Mace may I suggest asking them to add you to their enemies list from now on lol
Haha, proove you aren't in it for the friend big guy!
You both helped me as a noob. Bren gave me 90k and Mace sold me a Dyneema Trench for cheap.