(2009.Jul.14 11:28 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.14 11:23 PM)TheMace Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.14 11:13 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]LOL Mace
Even though Mace tried to scam me only one time when I was a noob, he still helped me here and there! Remember the Mercs? 
ha ha, my true identity is revealed! if you rearrange the letters in the word scam it spells Mace!!
I believe i actually kept your arse out of jail, and my jail recorder agrees with me:
Brugada 27 13 - 14 - 0 2,278 296 929
ha ha ha ha, thanks for clearing that up for the simple folk

LOL Mace IS NOT a scammer!
But he did try to pull the " Hey I found a glitch in the game, send me $54,683 dollars (or whatever the amount was) and it quadruples it for you!" Im sure we know how it went from there. LOL
LOL I never fell for it but I took it as a lesson learned and hold no hard feeling. And thank Mace for everything including all the jail busts.
I was just remembering the old days.

Mace, how on earth did you think scam made mace, or could be rejiggled to make mace using the same letters? I know it's early, but jeas!
Gotta give props to Bren when he ran WS!
(2009.Jul.15 12:13 AM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Gotta give props to Bren when he ran WS!
Why thank you! I've had my fair share of great up-coming elites of AL in my feeder gang days, yourself and Ronin for example.
(2009.Jul.14 08:21 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]All I got was told to shut the frag up.
I wondered why Tommi has gone quiet.SV'S told you off about running your mouth?
About time,they have standards you know!
(2009.Jul.15 12:04 AM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]Mace, how on earth did you think scam made mace, or could be rejiggled to make mace using the same letters? I know it's early, but jeas!
LOL!!! i am surprised that the two of you took that literally! it was so obvious that it does not spell Mace that i didnt think i had to actually declare i was joking around!
It appears i assumed too much...

Am I the only one in the top 5 that has not asked for noobs to put me on FL or paid them?
Yes I've help'd many out but to me, it felt like an honor that I have made it to the top 5 with not one ask or pay off, all I have earned, they have added me on their own.

(2009.Jul.15 05:04 PM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]Am I the only one in the top 5 that has not asked for noobs to put me on FL or paid them?
Yes I've help'd many out but to me, it felt like an honor that I have made it to the top 5 with not one ask or pay off, all I have earned, they have added me on their own. 
Does it count if I asked and paid players to ask others to add me??