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The community can only do so much.What really needs to be done is a complete overhaul of the game from the top down.

I suggest weekly gymborie days.
I suggest weekly contest's with tag's.
I suggest more personalized charactor development opportunities.
I suggest Greater flexibility all around.
I also suggest options for mass attacks, 2v1 or 3v1 somehow added through the gang options.This is what gang's do IRL dork's.

For our part we need.
To shut the frag up about online hits.
To get a head of steam up and work your ass off.
To get rid of your enemies,take a stand,pay for it,I dont care do your part.

All this monotiny was why great players left in the past.The game is slow moving and out of date.Its time for a complete overhaul.So zen and Err get to work pronto.If we are going to do our part its time you did yours.2000 per day wont come along in this format.It needs a severe overhaul.
I suggest weekly gymborie days -1
I suggest weekly contest's with tag's.+1 without the tags
I suggest more personalized charactor development opportunities. +1
I suggest Greater flexibility all around.+1
I also suggest options for mass attacks, 2v1 or 3v1 somehow added through the gang options.This is what gang's do IRL dork's. +1

For our part we need.
To shut the frag up about online hits.+1
To get a head of steam up and work your arse off.
To get rid of your enemies,take a stand,pay for it,I dont care do your part.

Totally +1
i like it, i used to hate not being able to do online hits.. but after time i got used to it and kinda numbed my brain to the idea.



I think weekly gymboree days is a bad idea. People will just donate and get their stats up quicker defeats the object of activity and working hard.

I agree something needs to be done i like this game. I play torncity (well log in and use the stuff and log out) they have thousands of players but its rubbish there is no communication nobody knows each other.

Here as its a smaller game you know who people are. I prefer it like this to be honest. but agree more events and competitions and less whining would be great.


Soory ryan I dont agree.Weekly gymborie will make sur everyone logs in daily to check for gym days.It will also get the population more interested.A month is a long time to wait for these days.
Okay so I guess I will do one online hit a day............Taking bets on who it will be.............
I online hit my enemies. They know who they are but I don't think they check the forums. Anyway I don't want to see weekly gymboree days. I'd much rather see a weekly contest, not with tags though cause there would be to many.


(2009.Jul.01 07:40 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]I online hit my enemies. They know who they are but I don't think check the forums. Anyway I don't want to see weekly gymboree days. I'd much rather see a weekly contest, not with tags though cause there would be to many.

Sure you do.


Hey SK wanna have a fuzzy pillow fight? Can I hit you online?


(2009.Jul.01 07:51 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Hey SK wanna have a fuzzy pillow fight? Can I hit you online?

im not even online do your worst.
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