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Poor biff
(2012.Aug.16 02:41 PM)meatloaf Wrote: [ -> ]Poor biff

are you biffylube?
fck biff.

People keep bringing up the daily player log ins, as it slowly decreases. But as long as people donate the number of players isn't as important. One sign of the donation decline is the credit market. Our credit market is as dead as I've ever seen it. I played a dead game for about a week, and the dozen people still playing would give millions in game cash for the equivalent of 100 credits. The game might not shut down, it could gradually fade. Have about 20 players with new people drifting in and out. I've seen it elsewhere. The reason people are so upset is that, for as stupid of a concept this game is, it use to be really fun and people were really into it. The only reason it isn't anymore is b/c it was blatantly abandoned. I bet if Zen stuck around and pretended to care, she could have milked a lot more cash out of this community
(2012.Aug.17 07:29 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]I bet if Zen stuck around and pretended to care, she could have milked a lot more cash out of this community
My tits are dragging the ground I got milked so much, the first couple years anyways.
(2012.Aug.17 09:10 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]My tits are dragging the ground I got milked so much, the first couple years anyways.

baby whats your number?
(2012.Aug.17 09:10 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]My tits are dragging the ground I got milked so much, the first couple years anyways.

nobody wants to hear about that shit but crunchy.. talk about your gunt instead. Smile
2009 this was posted... Is it to late to vote?
(2012.Aug.17 07:29 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]fck biff.
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