You forgot the half right option so I had to go with wrong...
Complete overhall is not needed...
multi attacks would be fine if failure has harsh results, but people worked for their stats so the stronger they are over their attackers should yeild harsh results if they loose.
Gym days once a week? not
weekly contests? not
I suggest more personalized charactor development opportunities. agreed, but this offers no solutions.
I suggest Greater flexibility all around. Agreed, but the statment alone has no value... suggestions are needed to give it any weight.
all of the following is true IMO
For our part we need.
To shut the frag up about online hits.
To get a head of steam up and work your arse off.
To get rid of your enemies,take a stand,pay for it,I dont care do your part.
(2009.Jul.01 05:43 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]Okay so I guess I will do one online hit a day............Taking bets on who it will be.............
can it be me
As much as I like gymborees and events, doing one every week would cheapen it... Once a month is a little far off too, so I say we meet somewhere in the middle... Same thing with events...
Even though I had little luck in them, I'd love to do a few more events. I'd also would like to see a bit more versatility there. No offense to the beer store, but there's just so many times drinking will keep me interested. I am still kicking myself for completely missing the ghoul contest. That one seemed to be fun.
Drinking IRL is a better game.
(2009.Jul.01 11:08 AM)Kokozama Wrote: [ -> ]Drinking IRL is a better game.
+ 1
But doing that AND AL at the same time also rocks your shizznit
I suggest more personalized character development opportunities. +1
I suggest Greater flexibility all around.+1
I also suggest options for mass attacks, 2v1 or 3v1 somehow added through the gang options.This is what gang's do IRL dork's. +1
For our part we need.
To shut the frag up about online hits.+1
To get a head of steam up and work your arse off.
To get rid of your enemies,take a stand,pay for it,I don't care do your part. -1(i worked hard to get them)
Weekly gymborees would definatelly see the end of me. Weekly contest would definatelly see the end of a fun, different, contest. If there were weekly contest I'd probablly participate in none. And for all those to have tags, you might aswell just leave a box open for us to right a load of bollox in our profile like other games.
(2009.Jul.01 01:47 PM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]Weekly gymborees would definatelly see the end of me. Weekly contest would cowplop in our profile
Start with bren!
Gymboree: Once every 3 months
Tags: Never issued again
Contests: Only on actual HOLIDAYs
Gymboree: Random lengths of time, no shorter than 1 mth but up to 3mths, you dont dare not log in...just incase!
Tags: Only for actual 1st place winners of contests or first for reaching goals that are hard to achieve.
Contests: Draw up a calendar of actual real life holiday events that occur throughout the year that are worthy of having a contest for. Gangs or individuals can hold their own contests as they see fit.
EDIT: But definitely agree that more ways are needed to personalise characters.