AwakenedLands Forums

Full Version: Second Annual Friendship Appreciation Day!!!
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haha! in that case, I'll send you another 1k Biggrin
You sent $69 to LikeWoah [11999].
hehe and others
Weebay made 2k


And the winner is... for the :25 minute mark...

*insert drumroll*

You sent $1,000 to Eff [14772].

YAY!!! Congrats!


(2009.Jun.08 09:25 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Weebay made 2k

Thank you
Wonderful thread! Thank you for bringing it up! lol
Vashera 2k.

Based off recently active users btw


10:27 pm
New! 7667 sent a Red Rose to your storage unit.

Haha! thanks for the rose buds.
i think i just blew 50k
Just got 50k, 100k going out in 2k per person, stay active.. may get more then one chunk!
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