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are you saying we should blame ush?
(2009.Jun.08 10:51 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Every time leg posts drek, people stop sending stuff, lol. No shogunate YET!
lol sorry usha, i just didnt want to put what i really sent.
say i do send you a shogunate, could i buy it for a million?
thanks everyone for the gifts i've received

more festivities later this evening! happy friendship appreciation day!!!
After these two days, I realized that some of my friend in my friend list really stand out among other. I would like to take this opportunity to thank You for all those who considered me as a friend.
More Money to Give away later!!
You received 3 million from zeon......
12:04 pm WhiteRabbit sent 3 Red Roses to your storage unit. Delete
8:02 am WRAITHLORD sent 6 Red Roses to your storage unit. Delete
12:42 am hourstogo sent 5 Red Roses to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 aKingNamedKerry sent a Red Rose to your storage unit. Delete
8.Jun.09 LEGofLAMBofGOD sent a Red Rose to your storage unit.
Thanks, you guys! *luffs*
to all my freinds i really have enjoyed all the time we have conversed and plan on enjoy more
Wow this is really cool!
Woke up this morning to nearly 30 events in my log. I thought 'oh no! I've been murdered in my sleep!'
Then I checked them and found roses, cash, snax etc
It's like xmas!
*edit cos I didn't say thanks, thanks, thanks!
Hey Jo when you saw the 30 events did you think "damn xpats"
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