(2009.Jun.07 04:27 AM)Faceless Wrote: [ -> ]deathwing u useless nipple = why dont u post that u hospd me online 2 times (along with that other penis with ears) instead of making it look like we tried to nail you - that was us trying to get payback - youre just a mook who likes to strut around and pretend you belong- get a life and grow up
are you stupid or what? we were supposed to post funny/unexpected events you dipstick
me hospin you does not appear as an event to me

(2009.Jun.07 11:40 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.07 04:27 AM)Faceless Wrote: [ -> ]deathwing u useless nipple = why dont u post that u hospd me online 2 times (along with that other penis with ears) instead of making it look like we tried to nail you - that was us trying to get payback - youre just a mook who likes to strut around and pretend you belong- get a life and grow up
LMAO... another DW fan.
I love it!

go crawl under a rock you worm
300das old and you still didn't learn offline hits are a part of the game

Time Event Actions
1:34 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
1:34 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
1:33 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
he he he
DW... you know that that was not the issue...
Now be quiet before your gang smacks your PP again.
Where's Tommi? LOL.
You're lame, DW.
(2009.Jun.07 12:43 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]DW... you know that that was not the issue...
Now be quiet before your gang smacks your PP again.
Where's Tommi? LOL.
You're lame, DW.
my gang does what? you should really get your facts straight
and while i might be lame i'm not a whiner
as i said either grow a back bone, train and beat me or crawl under your rock and suck it up

sooner or later i will catch you on offside...

(2009.Jun.07 12:46 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.07 12:43 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]DW... you know that that was not the issue...
Now be quiet before your gang smacks your PP again.
Where's Tommi? LOL.
You're lame, DW.
my gang does what? you should really get your facts straight
and while i might be lame i'm not a whiner
as i said either grow a back bone, train and beat me or crawl under your rock and suck it up 
sooner or later i will catch you on offside... 
LOL... trust me, I'm training and I'll get there someday!
Till Then!!!
i know there is a chance you'll get me
romans(bad2thebone) and his other account/son faceless whine a fraggin lot nowdays but all i'm doing is paying back the debt


btw back on topic romans and faceless su*k and random events can be fun especially nowadays
and nasty you can nag me in game
stop stealing threads
LOL... OK, DW. You're right. Unblock my mail and we can pester each other then.
Back on topic... I too like unexpected events - But not the "you got cut down by SWAT" and are in jail for 260 minutes.
XXXX attacked you and lost is the best!
I have never smacked DW's pp.

From what I gather so far from these posts, is that nobody really seems to care about an occasional unexpected event. Then why is it then that so many still get all up in arms when they get hit once online?
I completely understand that nobody wants their playing time cut into, but I would think most anyone who is over a level 30 or so can afford the 5-8 stims on a random attack.
We all know that we like to see an unexpected event where we don't end up in the hosp!
"treat other how you want to be treated"
remember that weebs
if that would happen to someone in your gang popoho would wet his panties crying and yelling and screaming "you don't do that to diss..." and all that
(2009.Jun.07 03:01 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]"treat other how you want to be treated"
remember that weebs
if that would happen to someone in your gang popoho would wet his panties crying and yelling and screaming "you don't do that to diss..." and all that
Watch what you see in a public forum DW. Now I wouldn't bother hitting someone online that I know I wipe the floor with, but instead I would hit someone who I may lose to.
Now when I was coming up over a year ago, I would get mugged online, I would be hit online as well. I never even bothered to open my mouth about it, until it was clearly something more personal, and at that time I hadn't really had any interactions with many players. I just took it to be part of the game, eventually I just asked the attacker if there was a reason? Response was "I'm trying to see what kind of reaction I can get out of you"