Eaglefreak Wrote:Ok, I've got the Police Issued Armor, now I need the Police Issued Shield to protect myself from the poop slinging! 
TO all Awakend LAnd players please take note a new protectitve suit .
"TRipsT special Biological Suit" has now been introdcued to the market.
This suit willnot only portect you against the most vile of TripsT slinging,It comes with built in filters to avoid that nasuaeting smell.
The suit also comes in a large selection of colors and styles. Please see LostAngel as she has been nominated the winner of the desgin contract.
We do highly recomend to stay away from the browns this color is slightly confusing to people and they may avoid you .
Cost for the suit is a bu it now price of 25,000 this is cheap compared to the cost of laundering your clothes.
Supplies are running low so hurry and buy now while they last
TripsT is a good propoganda machine, trying to make everyone in the community sympathize with the elders when they are just randomly destroying a gang that many have worked hard on creating. We have been trying to set up a competition and yet they just ignore us. then they just declare. sure its war but you could at least be friendly/slightly courteous. the game is obviously more fun when there are more players who are into the game. that kind of behaviour just drives people away. but we've seen it time and time again from the elders.
calmer than you are
*to the community*
we elders are evil and malicious. All i do is lie and spread propaganda. I love ignoring people. the bad santas are the true, upstanding, class-act gang, so i would mail them and tell them how awesome they are. they work hard to be so awesome. beware tho, for you probably cannot compete with that awesomeness, and you might be overwhelmed by it.
feel free to mail me and tell me how much i suck. i already know. i probably will ignore you too.
is that better?
:shock: All this time I've been duped!
oddjob Wrote:haha
calmer than you are
*to the community*
we elders are evil and malicious. All i do is lie and spread propaganda. I love ignoring people. the bad santas are the true, upstanding, class-act gang, so i would mail them and tell them how awesome they are. they work hard to be so awesome. beware tho, for you probably cannot compete with that awesomeness, and you might be overwhelmed by it.
feel free to mail me and tell me how much i suck. i already know. i probably will ignore you too.
is that better?
lmao TripsT
And hes off there he goes one shuffle two shuffle three shuffle. hes in the lead sending out that odor and spreading it to the community. We rally are looking into the Depends Underwear issue in theh opes that we can allow the rest of the edelry the opportunity to breath fresh air once again.
At this time please take note that the Cedar Retirement home as been labeled a conaminated building level 4.
To all visitor you will now be reqired to wear an Anti-TripsT bio suit. those that have nit yet purchased one can contact LostAngel . please take note supplies are limited but we are working on recruiting some level 1 . The Elders will commence invoulntary volunteer program. no phiysical harm will be done to the character but those that do not accept this offer will recieve a 1 week supply of TripsT soiled undies. Please note that an extra charge of 20 credits will be taken for those requesting his pink colored Thongs/
lol, just the kind of response I thought I'd get. you are quite a predictable boy trips.
So Matt are you saying that because of a war you are going to leave the game. How stupid would that be? I think you may have invested a lot of cash to become one of the highest players in the game and to throw that all away just does not make sence.
We have all had gangs destroyed and still live to fight on, i really do not think that any of your gang will stop playing because of the war, i think you just dont like getting some of your own treatment.
Trips as insulting as this stuff is, its also funny so people are going to remember this so your better off just laughing at it as the rest of us are that way you wont be remembered as a grump.
Quote:brythompson Posted: 03 Jan 2007 20:21
So Matt are you saying that because of a war you are going to leave the game. How stupid would that be? I think you may have invested a lot of cash to become one of the highest players in the game and to throw that all away just does not make sence.
We have all had gangs destroyed and still live to fight on, i really do not think that any of your gang will stop playing because of the war, i think you just dont like getting some of your own treatment.
In no way am I saying I'm leaving. I'm saying the behaviour of the elders has already driven people away and continues to have that effect. I'm not even angry about THIS war. I'm getting annoyed at being declared on over and over by a a completely dominating gang. and this IS NOT my own treatment, I have NEVER acted this way in this game. of course I attack offline players often, It's how I caught (in level at least) the top players. I do not attack people online and cause them to spend all day in the hospital and I do not declare on significantly weaker gangs repeatedly.
attn All Awaekend Land Player
we now take you to our roving reporter Cassa NOba Baby .
he is currently on assiognment in our Indahouse office.
Csasa Baby please let us know what is going in your part of the world.
Well Zen da eye first of all a happy new year .
we have just recieved a report form the ministry of offensive odors and dentureless Elders of Indahouse .His Royal Heeness Santa Clawless
It appears that a certain character known as Jubei has appeared in the Callmazu area, He has been arrested by the local official noobs office of justice selling second hand used dentures.
As you know that in this part of the world that is a major offence. its comparable to running over the ant eaters or even the lewed behavior of showing your feet in public,
At this point he is being detained in the local jail referred to as the house of PAINDEERS.
At this time we are awaiting more word from the officials.
please stay tuned as we will have more updates .
This is Cassa NOba Baby from Calamazu back to you Zen da eye
Thank you Casa Baby please be careful we have heard that infamous TripsT may be trying to sneak in some contaminate material
and now to our sponsors
Feeling down?
Having a bad day ?
your crimes not paying off enough?
We now have the new and improved Wack An Elderr
remember Wack An Elder is sold at your local stores , its fun for the entire family . so dont be greedy spread the word . bring a friend along makes it more fun.